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Discuss the role of parasocial relationships in fandoms.

Parasocial relationships play a significant role in fandoms, particularly in creating a sense of connection between fans and their favourite celebrities or fictional characters.

Parasocial relationships refer to one-sided, imaginary relationships that individuals form with media personalities or fictional characters. In fandoms, fans often develop these relationships with their favourite celebrities or characters, feeling a sense of closeness and attachment despite the lack of actual interaction. This attachment can lead to feelings of loyalty, protectiveness, and even possessiveness over the celebrity or character.

These parasocial relationships can have both positive and negative effects on fans. On one hand, they can provide a sense of social support and emotional connection, particularly for individuals who may feel isolated or lonely. On the other hand, they can also lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment when the celebrity or character does not live up to the idealized image that the fan has created.

Overall, the role of parasocial relationships in fandoms highlights the importance of understanding the psychological processes behind fan behaviour. By recognizing the impact of these one-sided relationships, fans and media personalities can work towards creating healthier and more realistic connections.

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