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Discuss the Role Theory in the context of romantic relationships.

Role theory suggests that individuals in romantic relationships adopt specific roles that are influenced by societal expectations.

In a romantic relationship, individuals are expected to fulfil certain gender roles, such as the man being the provider and the woman being the caregiver. These roles are influenced by cultural norms and expectations, and individuals may feel pressure to conform to them in order to maintain a successful relationship.

Gender roles can also lead to power imbalances within a relationship. For example, if the man is expected to be the dominant figure, he may make decisions without considering the woman's input, leading to feelings of resentment and frustration.

However, role theory also suggests that individuals have the ability to negotiate and redefine their roles within a relationship. This can lead to a more equal and fulfilling partnership, where both individuals have a say in decision-making and responsibilities are shared.

Overall, role theory highlights the importance of societal expectations and gender roles in shaping romantic relationships. However, it also emphasises the potential for individuals to challenge and redefine these roles in order to create a more equitable and satisfying partnership.

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