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Explain the biological explanations for gender development.

Biological explanations for gender development are based on the idea that biological factors, such as genetics and hormones, influence the development of gender identity.

One biological explanation for gender development is the role of genetics. Research has shown that there is a strong genetic basis for gender identity, with certain genes being associated with gender identity and sexual orientation. For example, studies have found that the presence of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome is associated with male development, while the absence of this gene is associated with female development.

Another biological explanation for gender development is the role of hormones. Hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, play a key role in the development of physical sex characteristics and also have an impact on brain development. Research has shown that exposure to different levels of hormones during prenatal development can have an impact on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Finally, brain development is also thought to play a role in gender development. Research has shown that there are differences in brain structure and function between males and females, which may contribute to differences in gender identity and behaviour.

Overall, biological explanations for gender development suggest that biological factors play an important role in the development of gender identity and behaviour. However, it is important to note that biological factors do not completely determine gender development and that social and environmental factors also play a significant role.

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