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Explain the humanistic approach's view on personal growth.

The humanistic approach believes in the potential for personal growth and self-actualization.

According to the humanistic approach, individuals have an innate desire for personal growth and self-actualization. This means that people have a natural inclination towards fulfilling their potential and becoming the best version of themselves. The humanistic approach emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-expression in achieving personal growth.

The humanistic approach also emphasizes the role of positive relationships and social support in personal growth. Humanistic psychologists believe that individuals thrive in environments that are supportive, accepting, and empathetic. This means that having positive relationships with others can facilitate personal growth and help individuals achieve their full potential.

Furthermore, the humanistic approach emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and agency in achieving personal growth. This means that individuals must take an active role in their own personal development and be willing to make changes in their lives in order to achieve their goals.

Overall, the humanistic approach views personal growth as an ongoing process of self-discovery and self-actualization that is facilitated by positive relationships, self-awareness, and personal responsibility.

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