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How do children's moral values change with age?

Children's moral values change and develop as they age, influenced by various factors such as cognitive development, socialisation and life experiences.

During early childhood, children's moral values are based on obedience and avoiding punishment. They follow rules set by authority figures and may not fully understand the reasons behind them. As they enter middle childhood, children's moral values become more flexible and they begin to understand the concept of fairness and empathy towards others.

During adolescence, moral values become more complex and abstract. Teenagers start to question authority and develop their own moral code based on personal beliefs and experiences. They may also become more aware of societal issues and develop a sense of social responsibility.

However, moral development is not a linear process and can be influenced by various factors such as culture, religion and family values. For example, children raised in collectivist cultures may value group harmony over individual rights, while those raised in individualistic cultures may prioritise personal autonomy.

In conclusion, children's moral values change and develop with age, influenced by various factors. Understanding the stages of moral development can help parents and educators support children's moral growth and encourage the development of a strong moral compass.

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