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How does food availability influence eating behavior?

Food availability can influence eating behavior by affecting food choices and portion sizes.

When food is readily available, people tend to eat more and make less healthy food choices. This is because they are more likely to snack and indulge in high-calorie foods. For example, if there is a bowl of candy on the table, people are more likely to grab a handful every time they walk by, even if they are not hungry.

On the other hand, when food is scarce or limited, people may feel more anxious about not having enough to eat, which can lead to overeating and binge eating when food becomes available. This is known as the "scarcity effect" and has been observed in studies on food insecurity and poverty.

Food availability can also affect portion sizes. When there is a larger amount of food available, people may serve themselves larger portions and eat more than they need to. This is known as the "portion size effect" and has been linked to the rise in obesity rates in many countries.

Overall, food availability plays a significant role in eating behavior. By being aware of how food availability can influence our choices and portion sizes, we can make more mindful decisions about what and how much we eat.

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