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How does socialization occur in early childhood?

Socialization in early childhood occurs through interaction with caregivers, peers, and the environment.

During early childhood, children learn about social norms and values through interactions with their caregivers, such as parents or other family members. Caregivers provide guidance and feedback on appropriate behaviour, and children learn to internalise these social expectations. For example, if a child is praised for sharing their toys, they are more likely to continue doing so in the future.

Peer interactions also play a significant role in socialization during early childhood. Children learn from their peers through observation, imitation, and feedback. They learn about social roles, gender expectations, and how to navigate social situations. For example, a child may learn that boys are expected to play with trucks and girls with dolls through interactions with their peers.

The environment also influences socialization during early childhood. Children learn from the physical and social cues in their environment, such as the behaviour of adults and the layout of their surroundings. For example, a child may learn that certain behaviours are appropriate in certain settings, such as being quiet in a library or running around in a playground.

Overall, socialization in early childhood is a complex process that involves interactions with caregivers, peers, and the environment. Through these interactions, children learn about social norms and values, and develop the skills and behaviours necessary to navigate social situations.

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