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How does substance abuse contribute to aggression in relationships?

Substance abuse can contribute to aggression in relationships due to altered brain chemistry and impaired judgement.

Substance abuse, whether it be alcohol or drugs, can alter brain chemistry and impair judgement, leading to an increased likelihood of aggressive behaviour in relationships. Studies have shown that individuals who abuse substances are more likely to engage in intimate partner violence (IPV) compared to those who do not. This is because substances can increase impulsivity and reduce inhibitions, leading to a lack of control over one's actions.

Furthermore, substance abuse can also lead to financial stress and social isolation, which can further contribute to aggression in relationships. Financial stress can lead to arguments and tension, while social isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration, which can manifest as aggressive behaviour towards a partner.

It is important to note that substance abuse is not an excuse for aggressive behaviour in relationships and individuals are still responsible for their actions. Seeking help for substance abuse and addressing underlying issues such as mental health problems or past trauma can help break the cycle of aggression in relationships. Couples therapy and support groups can also be beneficial in addressing the impact of substance abuse on relationships.

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