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How does the development of self-perception occur in children?

Self-perception development in children occurs through a process of social comparison and feedback from others.

During infancy, children begin to develop a sense of self-awareness. They start to recognise themselves in mirrors and respond to their own name. As they grow, they become more aware of their own abilities and limitations, and begin to compare themselves to others. This social comparison is a key factor in the development of self-perception, as children start to form an idea of who they are in relation to others.

Feedback from others also plays a crucial role in the development of self-perception. Children receive feedback from parents, teachers, and peers, which can be positive or negative. This feedback helps to shape their self-concept, as they internalise the messages they receive from others. For example, if a child is told that they are good at sports, they may start to see themselves as athletic and develop a positive self-image.

As children enter adolescence, their self-perception may become more complex. They start to develop a sense of identity, which is influenced by their values, beliefs, and experiences. They may also become more aware of social norms and expectations, and may feel pressure to conform to these norms. This can lead to changes in their self-perception, as they try to fit in with their peers and establish their own identity.

Overall, the development of self-perception in children is a complex process that is influenced by a range of factors. Social comparison and feedback from others are key factors in shaping children's self-concept, and this process continues into adolescence and beyond.

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