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How does the social construct of gender influence sexual behaviour?

The social construct of gender influences sexual behaviour through societal expectations and gender roles.

Gender is a social construct that shapes our understanding of masculinity and femininity. Society has constructed gender roles that dictate how men and women should behave, including their sexual behaviour. For example, men are often expected to be sexually aggressive and dominant, while women are expected to be passive and submissive. These expectations can influence sexual behaviour, as individuals may feel pressure to conform to these gender roles.

Additionally, societal expectations around gender can impact the types of sexual behaviour that are deemed acceptable. For example, heterosexual sex is often seen as the norm, while other forms of sexual behaviour, such as homosexuality or BDSM, may be stigmatized. This can lead individuals to suppress their desires or engage in behaviour that is not authentic to their true sexual identity.

Furthermore, gender can influence the way that sexual behaviour is perceived and treated by society. Women who engage in sexual behaviour outside of societal norms may be labelled as promiscuous or slutty, while men who engage in similar behaviour may be praised for their sexual prowess. These double standards can impact the way that individuals approach their own sexual behaviour and the way that they view others.

In conclusion, the social construct of gender plays a significant role in shaping sexual behaviour through societal expectations, gender roles, and societal norms. Understanding these influences is important in promoting a healthy and authentic approach to sexuality.

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