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What are the risk factors for smoking in adolescence?

Risk factors for smoking in adolescence include peer pressure, family history, low academic achievement, and mental health issues.

Adolescence is a time of experimentation and risk-taking, which can lead to smoking. Peer pressure is a significant factor, as adolescents may feel pressured to fit in with their peers who smoke. Family history of smoking also increases the likelihood of adolescent smoking, as it may be perceived as a normative behaviour. Low academic achievement is another risk factor, as adolescents who struggle in school may turn to smoking as a coping mechanism.

Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, are also associated with adolescent smoking. Adolescents with these issues may use smoking as a way to self-medicate or alleviate symptoms. Additionally, adolescents who experience stress or trauma may turn to smoking as a way to cope.

Other risk factors for adolescent smoking include exposure to smoking in the media, availability of cigarettes, and lack of parental monitoring. Prevention efforts should focus on addressing these risk factors and promoting healthy coping mechanisms for adolescents. Interventions such as education campaigns, peer support groups, and parental involvement have been shown to be effective in reducing adolescent smoking.

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