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Stress can increase the likelihood of smoking initiation, particularly in adolescence.
Smoking initiation, the first time someone tries smoking, is influenced by a variety of factors. Stress is one of these factors, and it can play a significant role in smoking initiation, particularly in adolescence. Adolescents who experience high levels of stress, such as those who have experienced trauma or have mental health issues, are more likely to start smoking. This may be because smoking is seen as a way to cope with stress and anxiety.
Research has shown that stress can also increase the reinforcing effects of nicotine, making smoking more pleasurable and addictive. This may explain why individuals who start smoking due to stress are more likely to become regular smokers and have difficulty quitting. In addition, stress can also increase the risk of relapse for individuals who have quit smoking.
It is important to note that stress is not the only factor that influences smoking initiation. Peers, family members, and media can also play a role in shaping attitudes towards smoking. However, understanding the role of stress in smoking initiation can help inform prevention and intervention efforts, particularly for vulnerable populations such as adolescents who have experienced high levels of stress.
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