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How does bond angle affect dipole moment in a molecule?

Bond angle affects the dipole moment in a molecule by determining the direction and magnitude of the individual bond dipoles.

In a molecule, the dipole moment is a measure of the overall polarity, which is determined by both the individual bond polarities and the geometry of the molecule, including the bond angles. The bond angle is the angle formed between three atoms across at least two bonds. If the bond angle changes, the direction and magnitude of the individual bond dipoles also change, which in turn affects the overall dipole moment of the molecule.

For instance, consider a water molecule (H2O). The bond angle in a water molecule is approximately 104.5 degrees. This angle results in a bent molecular structure, causing the bond dipoles (which are due to the difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and oxygen) to not cancel each other out. As a result, water has a net dipole moment and is a polar molecule.

On the other hand, in a molecule like carbon dioxide (CO2), the bond angle is 180 degrees, resulting in a linear molecular structure. Despite the fact that the C=O bonds are polar (due to the difference in electronegativity between carbon and oxygen), the bond dipoles are exactly opposed and cancel each other out because of the 180-degree bond angle. Therefore, CO2 has no net dipole moment and is a nonpolar molecule.

In summary, the bond angle plays a crucial role in determining the dipole moment of a molecule. It influences the direction and magnitude of the individual bond dipoles, which collectively determine the overall polarity or dipole moment of the molecule. Therefore, understanding the relationship between bond angle and dipole moment is key to predicting the polarity of a molecule.

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