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How does dissolution affect the entropy of a system?

Dissolution generally increases the entropy of a system as it leads to greater disorder and randomness.

When a solute dissolves in a solvent, the particles of the solute become dispersed throughout the solvent. This process increases the randomness or disorder of the system, which is essentially what entropy measures. Entropy is a thermodynamic quantity that represents the degree of randomness or disorder in a system. The greater the disorder, the higher the entropy.

In a solid solute, the particles are arranged in a highly ordered, regular pattern. When this solute dissolves in a solvent, the particles break away from this ordered arrangement and spread out randomly in the solvent. This increase in randomness corresponds to an increase in entropy.

The process of dissolution can be thought of as a series of steps. First, the intermolecular forces holding the solute particles together must be overcome. This requires energy and leads to an increase in entropy as the particles are freed from their fixed positions. Next, the solvent particles must move apart to make room for the solute particles, which also increases entropy. Finally, the solute particles become surrounded by solvent particles, a process known as solvation. This results in a highly disordered arrangement of particles, further increasing the entropy of the system.

However, it's important to note that not all dissolutions result in an increase in entropy. For example, when a gas dissolves in a liquid, the gas particles become more ordered as they are confined to the liquid phase, leading to a decrease in entropy. But in most cases, especially when solids or liquids dissolve in liquids, the process of dissolution leads to an increase in entropy.

In conclusion, the effect of dissolution on the entropy of a system depends on the states of matter involved. But in general, dissolution tends to increase the entropy of a system due to the increased disorder and randomness it causes.

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