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What are the components of a UV-visible spectrometer?

A UV-visible spectrometer consists of a light source, monochromator, sample holder, and a detector.

The first component of a UV-visible spectrometer is the light source. This is typically a deuterium lamp for ultraviolet light and a tungsten filament lamp for visible light. These lamps produce a broad spectrum of light, covering both the ultraviolet and visible light ranges. The light source is crucial as it provides the initial energy that will be absorbed by the sample.

Next is the monochromator, which is used to select a specific wavelength of light to pass through the sample. It is essentially a prism or diffraction grating that separates the light into its component wavelengths. The monochromator allows the spectrometer to scan across a range of wavelengths and measure the absorption at each one, creating a detailed absorption spectrum.

The sample holder, also known as a cuvette, is where the sample to be analysed is placed. The cuvette is typically made of quartz or some other material that does not absorb light in the range of interest. The light from the monochromator passes through the sample in the cuvette, and any light absorbed by the sample is recorded as a decrease in the intensity of the light.

Finally, the detector measures the intensity of the light after it has passed through the sample. The most common type of detector is a photomultiplier tube, which converts the light into an electrical signal that can be measured. The detector records the amount of light at each wavelength that makes it through the sample, allowing the spectrometer to create a complete absorption spectrum.

In summary, a UV-visible spectrometer works by shining light through a sample and measuring how much light is absorbed at each wavelength. The key components - the light source, monochromator, sample holder, and detector - each play a crucial role in this process.

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