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What are the typical oxidation states of group 1 and group 17 elements?

Group 1 elements typically have an oxidation state of +1, while Group 17 elements usually have an oxidation state of -1.

Group 1 elements, also known as alkali metals, include lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), caesium (Cs), and francium (Fr). These elements have one electron in their outermost shell, which they tend to lose in order to achieve a stable electron configuration. This loss of one electron results in a +1 oxidation state. Alkali metals are highly reactive due to this tendency to lose an electron, and they readily form ionic compounds with nonmetals.

On the other hand, Group 17 elements, known as halogens, include fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). These elements have seven electrons in their outermost shell and need one more electron to achieve a stable, full outer electron shell. They tend to gain an electron in chemical reactions, resulting in a -1 oxidation state. Halogens are also highly reactive, particularly with alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, forming salts.

It's important to note that while +1 and -1 are the most common oxidation states for Group 1 and Group 17 elements respectively, these elements can exhibit other oxidation states under certain conditions. For example, under extreme conditions, alkali metals can lose more than one electron, resulting in higher positive oxidation states. Similarly, halogens can exhibit positive oxidation states when they form compounds with oxygen or other halogens.

Understanding the typical oxidation states of these elements is crucial in predicting the products of chemical reactions and in understanding the properties of these elements. For example, the +1 oxidation state of alkali metals explains their strong reactivity and their tendency to form ionic compounds with nonmetals. Similarly, the -1 oxidation state of halogens explains their reactivity and their tendency to form salts with metals.

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