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What is meant by the 'collision theory' in kinetics?

The collision theory in kinetics refers to the principle that chemical reactions occur when particles collide with sufficient energy and correct orientation.

In more detail, the collision theory is a fundamental concept in the study of chemical kinetics, which is the branch of chemistry that deals with the rates of chemical reactions. According to this theory, for a reaction to occur, not only must particles of reactants collide with each other, but they must also do so with a certain minimum energy called the activation energy. This is the energy barrier that needs to be overcome for the reaction to proceed.

Moreover, the particles must collide in the correct orientation. This means that the reactive parts of the molecules must align properly during the collision for a successful reaction to take place. If the orientation is incorrect, even a collision with high energy may not result in a reaction.

The collision theory is used to explain why reaction rates differ for different reactions. It helps us understand why some reactions occur almost instantaneously, while others take a longer time. For instance, reactions with high activation energy or those requiring a very specific orientation of molecules tend to occur at slower rates.

The theory also explains the effects of various factors on reaction rates. For example, increasing the concentration of reactants or the temperature usually increases the reaction rate. This is because both these factors increase the frequency of collisions, and in the case of temperature, it also increases the proportion of collisions with energy greater than the activation energy.

In summary, the collision theory is a key principle in understanding how and why chemical reactions occur. It provides a framework for studying the rates of reactions and the factors affecting them.

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