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What is the significance of the stoichiometric coefficient in a chemical equation?

The stoichiometric coefficient in a chemical equation indicates the number of moles of a substance involved in the reaction.

In a chemical equation, the stoichiometric coefficient is the number written in front of the chemical symbols or formulas. It represents the ratio in which the reactants combine and the products form. This ratio is always in terms of moles, which is a standard scientific unit for measuring the amount of a substance. Therefore, the stoichiometric coefficient essentially tells us the number of moles of a substance involved in the reaction.

For example, in the reaction 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O, the stoichiometric coefficients are 2 for hydrogen (H2), 1 for oxygen (O2), and 2 for water (H2O). This means that two moles of hydrogen react with one mole of oxygen to produce two moles of water.

Stoichiometric coefficients are crucial in balancing chemical equations. Balancing a chemical equation means ensuring that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation, in accordance with the law of conservation of mass. The stoichiometric coefficients are adjusted to achieve this balance.

Moreover, stoichiometric coefficients are used in stoichiometric calculations, which are computations involving the quantities (in moles) of reactants and products. For instance, if you know the amount of one reactant, you can use the stoichiometric coefficients to calculate the amount of another reactant required, or the amount of product that can be formed.

In summary, the stoichiometric coefficient in a chemical equation is a fundamental concept in chemistry. It provides information about the mole ratio in which substances react and form, aids in balancing chemical equations, and is used in stoichiometric calculations. Understanding stoichiometric coefficients is therefore essential for studying and solving problems in chemistry.

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