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What role do intermediates play in reaction mechanisms?

Intermediates play a crucial role in reaction mechanisms as they are temporary species formed and consumed during the reaction.

In more detail, a reaction mechanism is a step-by-step sequence of elementary reactions by which overall chemical change occurs. The role of intermediates in these mechanisms is quite significant. They are formed in one elementary step and consumed in a subsequent step, meaning they do not appear in the overall chemical equation for the reaction. They are often highly reactive and unstable, and their existence is usually inferred from experimental evidence rather than directly observed.

Intermediates are crucial in understanding the pathway of a reaction. They provide insight into the sequence of bond-making and bond-breaking steps that occur during a reaction. This can help chemists to predict the products of a reaction, to control the conditions under which a reaction occurs, and to design new reactions.

For example, in the reaction of nitrogen dioxide with carbon monoxide to form nitrogen monoxide and carbon dioxide, nitrogen trioxide is an intermediate. It is formed in the first step when a nitrogen dioxide molecule reacts with another nitrogen dioxide molecule. In the second step, the nitrogen trioxide reacts with a carbon monoxide molecule to form nitrogen monoxide and carbon dioxide. Although nitrogen trioxide does not appear in the overall equation for the reaction, it plays a crucial role in the mechanism of the reaction.

In addition, intermediates can also help in understanding the rate of a reaction. The rate-determining step (also known as the slowest step) is the step in which the intermediate is formed or consumed. By studying the intermediates, chemists can gain insights into the factors that control the rate of a reaction.

In conclusion, intermediates are essential components in reaction mechanisms. They provide valuable information about the sequence of steps in a reaction, the products of a reaction, the conditions under which a reaction occurs, and the rate of a reaction.

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