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Why does sulfur hexafluoride have an octahedral geometry?

Sulphur hexafluoride has an octahedral geometry due to the six pairs of electrons around the sulphur atom.

In more detail, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is a molecule where a sulphur atom is surrounded by six fluorine atoms. The sulphur atom is in the centre of the molecule, and the fluorine atoms are arranged around it. This arrangement is due to the electron configuration of the sulphur atom.

Sulphur is in the 16th group of the periodic table, meaning it has six valence electrons. In SF6, sulphur uses these six electrons to form covalent bonds with six fluorine atoms. Each fluorine atom also contributes one electron, making a total of twelve electrons involved in bonding.

The arrangement of these twelve electrons around the sulphur atom determines the shape of the molecule. According to the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory, electron pairs arrange themselves to minimise repulsion. In the case of SF6, the six pairs of bonding electrons spread out as far as possible, resulting in an octahedral geometry.

An octahedron is a shape with eight faces, and in this case, the sulphur atom is at the centre of the octahedron, and the fluorine atoms are at the corners. This arrangement allows the electron pairs to be as far apart as possible, minimising repulsion and creating a stable molecule.

In summary, the octahedral geometry of sulphur hexafluoride is a result of the sulphur atom forming six covalent bonds with fluorine atoms, and the arrangement of these bonds to minimise electron pair repulsion. This is a perfect example of how the electron configuration of an atom can determine the shape of the molecule it forms.

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