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Why is the rate-determining step often the slowest step in a mechanism?

The rate-determining step is often the slowest step in a mechanism because it limits the overall reaction rate.

In a chemical reaction, the rate-determining step is the slowest step in the reaction mechanism. This is because a reaction can only proceed as fast as its slowest step. The rate-determining step is essentially the 'bottleneck' of the reaction. It's like being in a queue - no matter how quickly the people in front of you are moving, if the person at the front of the line is moving slowly, the overall speed of the queue is slow.

The concept of the rate-determining step is based on the collision theory of chemical reactions. According to this theory, for a reaction to occur, particles must collide with sufficient energy and in the correct orientation. In a multi-step reaction, each step involves a different collision between particles. The slowest of these collisions, which requires the most time to occur, is the rate-determining step.

The rate-determining step is also related to the concept of activation energy in chemical reactions. The activation energy is the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur. In a multi-step reaction, each step has a different activation energy. The step with the highest activation energy is the slowest step, as it requires the most energy to occur. This slowest step, therefore, determines the rate of the overall reaction.

In summary, the rate-determining step is often the slowest step in a mechanism because it limits the overall reaction rate. This is due to the principles of collision theory and activation energy, which dictate that a reaction can only proceed as fast as its slowest step. Understanding the rate-determining step is crucial in predicting and controlling the rate of chemical reactions.

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