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How did Asian countries adapt to the global cultural trends?

Asian countries adapted to global cultural trends through a process of selective assimilation, modernisation, and localisation.

Asian countries have been exposed to global cultural trends through various channels such as trade, colonisation, and more recently, globalisation. This exposure has led to a process of selective assimilation, where certain aspects of global culture are adopted and integrated into local cultures. For instance, Japan's Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century saw the country selectively adopt Western technology and institutions to modernise its economy and military, while preserving its unique cultural and social structures.

Similarly, China's 'Open Door' policy in the late 20th century led to an influx of Western cultural influences, from fashion and music to technology and business practices. However, the Chinese government and society have been selective in their adoption of these influences, often modifying them to fit local conditions and preferences. This process of 'Sinicisation' has allowed China to benefit from global cultural trends while maintaining its cultural identity and social stability.

In Southeast Asia, countries like Singapore and Malaysia have adopted a similar approach. These countries have embraced globalisation and its associated cultural trends, but have also sought to preserve and promote their diverse local cultures. For instance, Singapore's multicultural policy promotes racial and religious harmony among its diverse population, while also embracing English as a common language and Western-style education and business practices.

In South Asia, India has also adapted to global cultural trends through a process of 'Indianisation'. This involves the adoption of global trends, such as Western-style democracy and capitalism, but with modifications to suit local conditions and traditions. For instance, Bollywood, India's film industry, has adopted Western storytelling techniques and production values, but has also retained its unique style of music and dance, and themes that resonate with Indian audiences.

In conclusion, Asian countries have adapted to global cultural trends through a process of selective assimilation, modernisation, and localisation. This process has allowed these countries to benefit from globalisation, while also preserving their unique cultural identities and social stability.

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