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How did Capetian France's administrative system differ from England's?

Capetian France's administrative system was more decentralised and feudal-based compared to England's centralised monarchy.

The Capetian dynasty in France, which began in the late 10th century and lasted until the early 14th century, had a distinctly different administrative system compared to England. The Capetian system was characterised by a high degree of decentralisation, with power largely held by local feudal lords. This was in stark contrast to the English system, which was more centralised and where the monarch held significant power.

In Capetian France, the king was considered the first among equals, with his power largely symbolic. The real power lay with the feudal lords, who controlled their own territories and had their own armies. The king had limited control over these lords, and his power was often challenged. This system was a result of the fragmentation of power that occurred after the fall of the Carolingian Empire, and the Capetians' initial lack of resources and power.

The administrative system in England, on the other hand, was more centralised. The king held significant power and had a strong administrative apparatus to support him. This included a system of sheriffs who were responsible for local administration and justice, and a centralised treasury. The English king also had the power to summon a council of nobles, known as the Great Council, to advise him. This system was a result of the Norman Conquest, which saw the establishment of a strong centralised monarchy.

Furthermore, the Capetian system was characterised by a complex system of vassalage, where lords owed military service to the king in exchange for land. This system was less prevalent in England, where the king had a professional army at his disposal.

In terms of law, Capetian France had a more fragmented legal system, with different regions having their own laws and customs. In contrast, England had a more uniform legal system, with the king's law being supreme.

Overall, the administrative systems of Capetian France and England were shaped by their unique historical circumstances and had significant implications for the nature of power and governance in these regions.

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