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How did communalism affect politics post-independence?

Communalism significantly influenced post-independence politics by fostering division, conflict, and political manipulation in various regions.

Communalism, a socio-political phenomenon, has had a profound impact on the political landscape of post-independence nations, particularly in regions like South Asia. It has often been used as a tool by political parties to mobilise support and consolidate power. This has led to the politicisation of religious, ethnic, and caste identities, which in turn has fostered division and conflict within societies.

In India, for instance, the partition of the country into India and Pakistan in 1947 was a direct result of communal politics. The demand for a separate nation for Muslims was based on the two-nation theory, which was a manifestation of communalism. Post-independence, communalism continued to shape Indian politics, with political parties often resorting to communal polarisation to secure votes. This has resulted in frequent communal riots and violence, causing immense loss of life and property.

In other regions too, communalism has been a significant factor in post-independence politics. In Africa, for example, ethnic and tribal identities have often been manipulated by political leaders to gain and maintain power. This has led to numerous conflicts and civil wars, destabilising many African nations.

Moreover, communalism has also affected the formulation and implementation of policies. Policies are often designed to appease certain communities, leading to the neglect of other sections of society. This has further deepened social divisions and inequalities.

In conclusion, communalism has significantly shaped post-independence politics by fostering division, conflict, and political manipulation. It has been used as a tool by political parties to mobilise support, leading to the politicisation of identities and frequent communal violence. Furthermore, it has influenced policy-making, often resulting in the neglect of certain sections of society and deepening social inequalities.

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