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How did industrialisation affect French politics and society?

Industrialisation significantly transformed French politics and society, leading to urbanisation, class shifts, and political changes.

Industrialisation, which began in France in the late 18th century, had a profound impact on the country's political and social landscape. The shift from an agrarian to an industrial economy led to significant urbanisation. Rural populations migrated to cities in search of work in factories, leading to the growth of cities like Paris, Lyon, and Marseille. This urbanisation brought about significant changes in the social structure of France. The traditional rural, agrarian society was replaced by an urban, industrial one, leading to the emergence of a new social class - the industrial working class or proletariat.

The rise of the proletariat had significant political implications. The working class, facing poor working conditions and low wages, began to organise and demand better conditions and rights. This led to the rise of trade unions and socialist political movements, which challenged the existing political order. The political landscape of France was further transformed by the emergence of a new bourgeoisie, who amassed wealth through industrialisation. This new class, distinct from the traditional aristocracy, began to demand greater political representation, leading to tensions and conflicts with the existing elites.

Industrialisation also led to significant changes in the role of the state. The French government began to play a more active role in the economy, regulating industry and infrastructure to facilitate industrial growth. This marked a shift from the laissez-faire economic policies of the past. The state also had to respond to the social challenges brought about by industrialisation, such as urban poverty and public health crises. This led to the development of new social policies and the expansion of public services.

In conclusion, industrialisation had a profound impact on French politics and society. It led to urbanisation, the emergence of new social classes, and significant political changes. The state also had to adapt to these changes, playing a more active role in the economy and developing new social policies.

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