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How did Khrushchev's policies differ from Stalin's?

Khrushchev's policies were more liberal and reformist, focusing on de-Stalinisation, peaceful coexistence and economic modernisation, unlike Stalin's totalitarian rule.

Nikita Khrushchev, who took over as the leader of the Soviet Union after Joseph Stalin's death in 1953, implemented policies that were markedly different from his predecessor's. While Stalin's rule was characterised by totalitarianism, purges, and a command economy, Khrushchev sought to liberalise the Soviet Union both politically and economically.

One of Khrushchev's most significant policies was de-Stalinisation. This was a political reform aimed at dismantling the cult of personality that had been built around Stalin, and eradicating the influence of Stalin's ideology from Soviet society. Khrushchev criticised Stalin's purges and mass repressions in his "Secret Speech" at the 20th Party Congress in 1956, marking a clear departure from Stalin's policies.

Khrushchev also introduced the policy of peaceful coexistence with the West, which was a stark contrast to Stalin's aggressive foreign policy. He believed that the Soviet Union could coexist peacefully with capitalist countries, and sought to reduce tensions with the United States during the Cold War. This policy led to a thaw in relations between the two superpowers, culminating in the signing of the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963.

In terms of economic policy, Khrushchev attempted to modernise the Soviet economy by shifting the focus from heavy industry to consumer goods and agriculture. He introduced the Seven-Year Plan in 1959, which aimed to increase the production of consumer goods and improve living standards. This was a significant departure from Stalin's Five-Year Plans, which prioritised the development of heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods.

Furthermore, Khrushchev implemented reforms in education and culture, promoting a more open and liberal atmosphere. He relaxed censorship, allowed for greater freedom of expression, and encouraged the development of science and technology. This was in stark contrast to Stalin's policy of socialist realism, which strictly controlled cultural and intellectual life in the Soviet Union.

In conclusion, Khrushchev's policies represented a significant departure from Stalin's. While Stalin ruled with an iron fist, implementing policies of repression and control, Khrushchev sought to liberalise the Soviet Union and improve relations with the West. His policies of de-Stalinisation

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