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How did Nehru’s vision shape post-independence India?

Nehru's vision shaped post-independence India by promoting secularism, democracy, scientific temper, and economic self-sufficiency.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's socio-political fabric post-independence. His vision was deeply rooted in the principles of secularism and democracy, which he believed were essential for the unity and progress of a diverse country like India. Nehru's commitment to secularism was reflected in his policies that promoted equal rights and opportunities for all, irrespective of their religion. He was instrumental in the creation of a secular constitution that guaranteed freedom of religion and prohibited discrimination on religious grounds.

Nehru's vision of democracy was not limited to political representation but extended to socio-economic aspects as well. He believed in a democratic society where not only political power but also economic resources were distributed equitably. This vision led to the implementation of socialist economic policies aimed at reducing economic disparities and promoting social justice. The establishment of public sector enterprises and the initiation of land reforms were some of the steps taken in this direction.

Another significant aspect of Nehru's vision was the promotion of scientific temper. He believed that for India to progress and compete with the developed world, it was essential to foster a scientific outlook among its citizens. This led to the establishment of numerous scientific and research institutions in the country. The emphasis on science and technology in education and the launch of the space programme were also part of this vision.

Nehru also envisioned India as an economically self-sufficient nation. He believed that self-reliance was crucial for maintaining the country's sovereignty and preventing foreign exploitation. This vision was reflected in his emphasis on industrialisation and the adoption of a mixed economy model that combined elements of capitalism and socialism. The Five-Year Plans, which were aimed at achieving economic self-sufficiency through planned economic development, were a manifestation of this vision.

In conclusion, Nehru's vision has had a profound impact on post-independence India. His emphasis on secularism, democracy, scientific temper, and economic self-sufficiency has shaped the country's socio-political and economic landscape and continues to influence its policies and development trajectory.

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