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How did the arms race impact Soviet resources for Eastern Europe?

The arms race significantly strained Soviet resources, leading to economic stagnation and reduced support for Eastern Europe.

The arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War had a profound impact on Soviet resources. The Soviet Union was compelled to allocate a significant portion of its national budget to military expenditure, in an attempt to keep pace with the United States. This resulted in a severe strain on the Soviet economy, leading to economic stagnation and a decline in living standards. The economic burden of the arms race was so great that it was one of the factors that led to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

The impact of the arms race on Soviet resources also had significant implications for Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union had been the primary source of economic and military support for the socialist governments in Eastern Europe. However, as the Soviet economy struggled under the weight of military expenditure, it was increasingly unable to provide the same level of support. This led to economic difficulties in Eastern Europe, as these countries were heavily dependent on Soviet aid.

Furthermore, the arms race also led to a shift in Soviet foreign policy. In an attempt to reduce military expenditure, the Soviet Union began to pursue a policy of détente with the United States. This policy shift was not well received in Eastern Europe, as it was seen as a betrayal of the socialist cause. The resulting tensions further strained the relationship between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

In conclusion, the arms race had a profound impact on Soviet resources, leading to economic stagnation and a decline in support for Eastern Europe. The economic burden of the arms race was a significant factor in the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union, and its effects were felt throughout Eastern Europe.

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