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How did the Cuban Revolution influence US immigration policy?

The Cuban Revolution significantly influenced US immigration policy, leading to the creation of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966.

The Cuban Revolution, which took place from 1953 to 1959, led to a significant shift in US immigration policy. The revolution resulted in the establishment of a communist government under Fidel Castro, which led to a mass exodus of Cubans seeking refuge in the United States. This influx of Cuban immigrants prompted the US government to revise its immigration policy to accommodate these refugees.

The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 was a direct result of the Cuban Revolution. This Act allowed Cubans who had been present in the United States for at least one year to adjust their status to that of lawful permanent residents. This was a significant departure from the usual immigration process, which often required immigrants to have a visa before entering the country. The Act essentially recognised the unique circumstances of Cuban immigrants, who were fleeing a communist regime.

The Cuban Revolution also influenced the US immigration policy in terms of its approach towards refugees and asylum seekers. The US government established the 'wet foot, dry foot' policy in 1995, which stated that Cubans intercepted at sea ('wet foot') would be sent back to Cuba or resettled in a third country, while those who made it to US soil ('dry foot') could stay and later apply for legal, permanent residency. This policy was a direct response to the Cuban Revolution and its aftermath, reflecting the US government's stance against the communist regime in Cuba.

Furthermore, the Cuban Revolution led to the creation of the Cuban-Haitian Entrant Program. This program was designed to provide assistance to Cubans and Haitians who were granted parole status after arriving in the US without visas. The program offered a range of benefits, including eligibility for certain federal public benefits.

In conclusion, the Cuban Revolution had a profound impact on US immigration policy. It led to the creation of specific laws and programs designed to accommodate Cubans fleeing the communist regime, reflecting the US government's political stance and humanitarian concerns.

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