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How did the establishment of NATO influence European diplomacy?

The establishment of NATO significantly shifted European diplomacy towards collective defence and transatlantic cooperation.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was established in 1949, in the aftermath of World War II, as a collective defence alliance. Its creation marked a significant shift in European diplomacy, as it introduced the concept of collective security, where an attack against one member was considered an attack against all. This was a departure from the traditional bilateral treaties and alliances that had previously dominated European diplomacy.

The establishment of NATO also solidified the transatlantic alliance between Europe and the United States. This was a significant development, as it meant that European diplomacy was no longer solely focused on intra-European relations, but also on maintaining strong ties with the United States. This transatlantic alliance has been a cornerstone of European diplomacy since NATO's establishment, influencing European foreign policy decisions and strategies.

Furthermore, NATO's establishment led to a clear division in Europe between the Western democracies and the Eastern communist bloc, led by the Soviet Union. This division, known as the Iron Curtain, was a defining feature of the Cold War and significantly influenced European diplomacy. Western European countries, through NATO, sought to contain the spread of communism and protect their democratic systems. This led to a more confrontational and ideological approach to diplomacy, as opposed to the more pragmatic and balance-of-power diplomacy that had characterised the pre-World War II era.

Finally, the establishment of NATO also influenced European diplomacy by promoting political integration and cooperation among its member states. NATO provided a forum for regular diplomatic interactions among its members, fostering a sense of shared identity and common purpose. This helped to lay the groundwork for further European integration, culminating in the creation of the European Union.

In conclusion, the establishment of NATO had a profound impact on European diplomacy. It introduced the concept of collective security, solidified the transatlantic alliance, led to a clear division in Europe, and promoted political integration among Western European countries.

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