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How did the Russo-Japanese War affect Japanese military status?

The Russo-Japanese War significantly elevated Japan's military status, establishing it as a formidable global power.

The Russo-Japanese War, fought between 1904 and 1905, was a significant turning point in the perception of Japan's military capabilities on the global stage. Prior to this conflict, Japan was largely seen as a peripheral player in international affairs, with limited military prowess. However, the war with Russia, a major European power, dramatically altered this perception.

Japan's victory in the war was unexpected by many Western observers. Russia had a larger population, a bigger army, and more resources. However, Japan's modernised military, which had been undergoing significant reforms since the Meiji Restoration, proved to be more than a match for the Russian forces. The Japanese navy, in particular, demonstrated its strength in the Battle of Tsushima, where it decisively defeated the Russian Baltic Fleet.

The war also showcased Japan's ability to mobilise and sustain a war effort against a major power. Japan was able to mobilise a large number of troops, maintain supply lines over considerable distances, and sustain a high level of combat readiness for a prolonged period. This demonstrated a level of military organisation and logistical capability that was on par with the major Western powers.

The victory over Russia had profound implications for Japan's status in the international community. It was the first time an Asian power had defeated a European one in modern history. This significantly boosted Japan's prestige and established it as a major military power. It also led to Japan's recognition as one of the world's great powers at the Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the war.

In the years following the war, Japan's military status continued to rise. It became a key player in international affairs, particularly in the Pacific region. Its military capabilities were further enhanced through alliances, such as the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, and its participation in global events, such as World War I. The Russo-Japanese War, therefore, marked the beginning of Japan's emergence as a global military power.

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