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How has Hinduism influenced social developments in Nepal?

Hinduism has significantly influenced Nepal's social developments, shaping its culture, traditions, caste system, and legal framework.

Hinduism, as the predominant religion in Nepal, has deeply influenced the country's social fabric. It has shaped the cultural practices, traditions, and festivals of the Nepalese people. Major Hindu festivals like Dashain and Tihar are celebrated with great fervour across the country, reflecting the deep-rooted influence of Hinduism. These festivals not only serve as a means of religious observance but also play a crucial role in strengthening social bonds and promoting communal harmony.

The caste system, a significant aspect of Hinduism, has also played a pivotal role in shaping the social structure of Nepal. The caste system divides the society into different hierarchical groups, each with its own set of roles, responsibilities, and privileges. This system has influenced the social interactions, marriage practices, and occupational roles in Nepalese society. However, it has also been a source of social inequality and discrimination, leading to social stratification and marginalisation of certain groups.

Hinduism's influence extends to the legal framework of Nepal as well. The country's legal system has been historically based on Hindu legal codes, which have governed aspects like marriage, divorce, inheritance, and other family matters. The Muluki Ain, a legal code introduced in the mid-19th century, was heavily influenced by Hindu laws and customs. Although Nepal has moved towards a more secular legal system in recent years, the influence of Hinduism is still evident in many aspects of its legal framework.

Moreover, Hinduism has influenced the social attitudes and values of the Nepalese people. Concepts like Dharma (duty), Karma (action and consequence), and Moksha (liberation) are deeply ingrained in the Nepalese psyche, shaping their worldview and guiding their social behaviour. These principles have fostered a sense of duty, morality, and spirituality in the society, influencing the way people interact with each other and their environment.

In conclusion, Hinduism's influence on Nepal's social developments is profound and pervasive. It has shaped the country's culture, social structure, legal system, and societal values, leaving an indelible imprint on the Nepalese society.

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