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How have religious tensions in Asia shaped social policies?

Religious tensions in Asia have significantly influenced social policies, often leading to discrimination and social segregation.

Religious tensions in Asia have played a pivotal role in shaping social policies, often resulting in policies that favour one religious group over another, leading to discrimination and social segregation. This is particularly evident in countries with a dominant religion, where minority religious groups often face systemic discrimination.

For instance, in India, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been accused of implementing policies that marginalise Muslims and other religious minorities. The controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), passed in 2019, is a prime example. The Act provides a fast track to Indian citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants from neighbouring countries, which critics argue is discriminatory and undermines India's secular constitution.

Similarly, in Myanmar, the Buddhist-majority government has been accused of implementing policies that discriminate against the Rohingya Muslim minority. This has led to widespread violence and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya people. The government's refusal to recognise the Rohingya as citizens, despite their long history in the country, is a clear example of how religious tensions can shape social policies.

In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, religious tensions have also influenced social policies. The government has implemented policies that favour Muslims over religious minorities, such as Christians and Hindus. This has led to social segregation and tensions between different religious groups.

In China, the government's policies towards religious groups have been shaped by its desire to maintain social stability and control. This has resulted in restrictions on religious practices and the suppression of religious groups, such as the Uighur Muslims and Tibetan Buddhists, which the government perceives as threats to its authority.

Overall, religious tensions in Asia have significantly influenced social policies, often leading to policies that favour one religious group over another and result in discrimination and social segregation. These policies not only exacerbate religious tensions but also undermine social cohesion and stability.

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