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How was the church-state relationship altered post-revolution?

Post-revolution, the church-state relationship was significantly altered, with the state gaining more control over religious institutions.

In the aftermath of a revolution, the relationship between the church and the state often undergoes significant changes. This is largely due to the fact that revolutions are typically accompanied by a shift in power dynamics, which can have a profound impact on the role and influence of religious institutions within society.

One of the most common changes is the increased control of the state over the church. This can take many forms, from the state taking over the administration of religious institutions, to the imposition of state-approved doctrines and practices. This is often done in an attempt to consolidate power and ensure that the church does not pose a threat to the new regime.

For instance, following the French Revolution, the state took control of the Catholic Church in France, leading to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy in 1790. This document effectively made the church a department of the state, with clergy being elected by citizens and paid by the state. This was a radical departure from the previous arrangement, where the church had significant autonomy and was largely funded by tithes and donations.

Similarly, in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks sought to diminish the power of the Russian Orthodox Church, viewing it as a tool of the old regime. They confiscated church property, persecuted clergy, and promoted atheism as the state ideology.

However, it's important to note that these changes are not always one-sided. In some cases, the church may also seek to assert its influence over the state, either by aligning itself with the new regime or by opposing it. For example, in the aftermath of the Cuban Revolution, the Catholic Church initially supported the new government, but later became one of its most vocal critics.

In conclusion, the relationship between the church and the state is often significantly altered in the aftermath of a revolution. While the specifics can vary greatly depending on the context, the general trend is towards increased state control over religious institutions.

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