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What triggered the Revolution of 1830 in France?

The Revolution of 1830 in France was triggered by the repressive policies of King Charles X and economic hardship.

The July Revolution, or the French Revolution of 1830, was a result of a combination of political and socio-economic factors. The immediate trigger was the repressive policies of King Charles X, who attempted to restore the absolute monarchy and the privileges of the nobility that had been abolished during the French Revolution. His July Ordinances of 1830, which dissolved the Chamber of Deputies, restricted the voting rights to the wealthiest in society, and imposed strict censorship on the press, were seen as a direct attack on the constitutional charter of 1814 and the limited parliamentary monarchy that it established.

The July Ordinances were the last straw for the liberal opposition, which had been growing increasingly frustrated with Charles X's rule. The opposition, which included members of the bourgeoisie, intellectuals, and workers, had been calling for more political representation and civil liberties. The July Ordinances were seen as a blatant disregard for these demands and a clear sign that Charles X was not willing to compromise or reform.

In addition to the political factors, there were also significant socio-economic triggers. France was experiencing economic hardship, with high levels of unemployment and inflation. The industrial revolution was causing significant social changes, with the rise of a new industrial bourgeoisie and a growing working class. These groups were dissatisfied with their lack of political representation and the economic policies of the government, which they felt favoured the nobility and the landed gentry.

The combination of these political and socio-economic factors created a volatile situation in France. The July Ordinances were the spark that ignited the revolution, but the underlying discontent and frustration had been building for years. The Revolution of 1830 was a clear demonstration of the power of the people to challenge and overthrow an oppressive regime. It marked the end of the Bourbon monarchy and the beginning of the July Monarchy, with Louis-Philippe, the 'Citizen King', promising a more liberal and representative government.

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