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What was the effect of independence on Native American tribes?

Independence led to significant displacement, cultural erosion, and loss of life for Native American tribes.

The effect of independence on Native American tribes was profound and largely detrimental. The newly formed United States of America, in its quest for expansion and development, encroached upon the lands traditionally inhabited by these tribes. This led to a series of forced relocations, often referred to as the Trail of Tears, which resulted in significant loss of life due to disease, starvation, and exposure.

The displacement of Native American tribes was not just physical, but cultural as well. The new American government sought to 'civilise' these tribes, leading to a systematic erosion of their traditional ways of life. Native American children were often sent to boarding schools where they were forbidden to speak their native languages or practice their customs, leading to a significant loss of cultural identity.

Moreover, the independence of America also led to a series of conflicts known as the Indian Wars. These wars were fought between the United States and various Native American tribes, and were marked by brutal violence and significant loss of life. The wars were largely a result of the American government's expansionist policies, which sought to claim more and more land for the new nation, often at the expense of the Native American tribes who had lived there for centuries.

In addition, the independence of America also led to a significant change in the legal status of Native American tribes. Prior to independence, many tribes had enjoyed a degree of autonomy under British rule. However, with the formation of the new American government, these tribes were often stripped of their sovereignty and subjected to American laws and regulations.

In conclusion, the effect of independence on Native American tribes was largely negative. It led to significant displacement, cultural erosion, and loss of life, and marked a dark chapter in the history of these tribes.

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