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What were the main outcomes of the Spanish–American War?

The Spanish-American War resulted in Spain ceding control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States.

The Spanish-American War, which took place in 1898, was a significant turning point in both Spanish and American history. The war was primarily fought over the issues of Cuban independence and the sinking of the USS Maine. The main outcomes of the war were the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war, and the Platt Amendment, which defined the terms of Cuban independence.

The Treaty of Paris, signed on December 10, 1898, officially ended the Spanish-American War. Under the terms of the treaty, Spain ceded control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States. In return, the United States paid Spain $20 million for the Philippines. This marked the end of Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and the beginning of U.S. imperialism in the region.

The Platt Amendment, passed in 1901, defined the terms of Cuban independence. While Cuba was technically independent, the amendment gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and to lease or buy lands for the purpose of establishing naval bases and coaling stations. This effectively made Cuba a protectorate of the United States.

The war also had significant implications for both Spain and the United States. For Spain, the loss of its last colonies marked the end of its status as a global empire. For the United States, the acquisition of new territories marked the beginning of its emergence as a global power. The war also sparked a debate within the United States about the morality and practicality of imperialism.

In conclusion, the main outcomes of the Spanish-American War were the end of Spanish colonial rule in the Americas, the beginning of U.S. imperialism in the region, and the transformation of the United States into a global power.

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