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What were the terms of the Armistice of 1918?

The Armistice of 1918 terms included cessation of hostilities, German withdrawal, and surrender of war materials and infrastructure.

The Armistice of 1918, also known as the Armistice of Compiègne, marked the end of fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their opponent, Germany. The agreement was signed on 11th November 1918 and came into effect on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, hence marking the cessation of the most destructive, widespread, and deadliest war the world had seen up to that point.

One of the key terms of the Armistice was the cessation of hostilities. This meant that all fighting would stop, and no further military operations would be carried out. This was a significant step towards peace, as it marked the end of the physical conflict.

Another important term was the withdrawal of German troops from all occupied territories, particularly in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg, as well as Alsace-Lorraine, a contested territory between France and Germany. This was to be completed within 14 days of the signing of the Armistice. The Germans were also required to evacuate from the left bank of the Rhine, and the Allies were to occupy the west bank and the principal crossings of the Rhine.

The surrender of war materials was also a significant term of the Armistice. Germany was required to hand over thousands of guns, machine guns, tanks, aeroplanes, and submarines to the Allies. This was to ensure that Germany was incapable of resuming warfare.

The Armistice also demanded the surrender of the German High Seas Fleet and over 160 U-boats to the Allies. Furthermore, Germany was to be held responsible for reparations for the damage caused by the war, although the exact amount was to be determined later.

Lastly, the Armistice called for the immediate release of all Allied prisoners of war and interned civilians, without reciprocity. This meant that Germany had to release all prisoners without the Allies having to do the same.

In essence, the terms of the Armistice of 1918 were designed to end the war, ensure the withdrawal of German forces, and strip Germany of its ability to wage war again.

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