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Why was the Simon Commission rejected by Indians?

The Simon Commission was rejected by Indians because it did not include any Indian members and was seen as undemocratic.

The Simon Commission, officially known as the Indian Statutory Commission, was a group of seven British Members of Parliament that was sent to India in 1928 to study constitutional reform. However, the commission was met with widespread protest and rejection by Indians. The primary reason for this was the fact that the commission did not include any Indian members. This was seen as a blatant disregard for the principle of self-determination and a clear indication of the British government's unwillingness to include Indians in the decision-making process about their own future.

The commission was seen as an embodiment of British imperialism and a symbol of the colonial government's refusal to grant Indians a say in their own governance. The Indian National Congress, the largest political party in India at the time, called for a boycott of the commission. The commission was greeted with black flag protests and nationwide strikes, reflecting the widespread public disapproval.

The rejection of the Simon Commission was not just about its composition but also about its purpose. The commission was tasked with reviewing the functioning of the constitutional system in India and suggesting reforms. However, many Indians felt that the time for minor reforms was over and that they should be granted full dominion status, similar to that enjoyed by other countries within the British Empire. The commission's mandate was seen as too limited and its approach too conservative to meet the aspirations of the Indian people.

The Simon Commission's visit to India was a turning point in the Indian independence movement. It galvanised public opinion against the British rule and led to a radicalisation of the Indian National Congress, which subsequently adopted the goal of complete independence from British rule. The rejection of the Simon Commission was a clear indication of the Indian people's desire for self-governance and their rejection of British imperialism.

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