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Best Tutoring Companies in China

Best Tutoring Companies in China

10 min Read|February 07 2024
|Written by:

Thomas Babb


The tutoring industry in China is as diverse as it is dynamic. With a rich tapestry of options, students and parents alike can often find themselves navigating through a sea of possibilities, each promising to unlock academic potential and excellence. In a country where education is highly esteemed, the role of a tutor extends beyond mere academic assistance. They are mentors, guides, and partners in the intricate dance of learning.

So, what makes a good tutoring company? It’s a blend of quality, expertise, and a tailored approach. The best ones offer more than just knowledge; they provide a personalised learning experience, honing in on each student’s unique strengths and weaknesses, and crafting lessons that are as engaging as they are enlightening.

Why hire a tutor, you ask? In the fast-paced academic landscape of China, a tutor is not just a luxury but a necessity. They bridge gaps, transform weaknesses into strengths, and turn aspirations into achievements. Welcome to our exploration of the best tutoring companies in China, your gateway to academic excellence.

10 - iTutorGroup

iTutorGroup stands as a pioneering force in the world of online education, boasting a robust platform that extends its reach to over 40 countries globally. With a focus on English language learning, iTutorGroup has carved a niche for itself, offering bespoke learning experiences tailored to meet the distinct needs of students and professionals alike. Visit their website.

The company’s ethos is rooted in innovation, quality, and accessibility. Each course is meticulously crafted, blending cutting-edge technology with pedagogical excellence to deliver learning solutions that are as effective as they are engaging. The diversity in their offerings caters to a broad spectrum of learners, from young students grappling with the basics of the language, to professionals seeking to polish their communication skills.

What sets iTutorGroup apart is its unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. The learning experience is immersive, facilitated by a team of seasoned educators and cutting-edge technology that makes learning not just intuitive but also interactive. The curriculum is diverse, offering a rich selection of courses that cater to different learning needs and levels. Each course is a journey that guides learners through the intricacies of the English language, unlocking opportunities and opening doors to a world where communication transcends borders.

9 - EF Education First

EF Education First is a global leader in international education, offering a myriad of programs that span language learning, academic degree programs, educational travel, and cultural exchange. Established in 1965, EF has been at the forefront of fostering global citizenship through experiential learning, opening doors to the world through education.

The company’s offerings are as diverse as they are comprehensive. With over 50 accredited EF International Language Campuses worldwide, learners can immerse themselves in a new language and culture, gaining fluency and confidence in real-world settings. From the bustling streets of New York to the romantic allure of Paris, each campus offers a unique learning environment that transcends traditional classroom boundaries.

EF Education First is not just about language learning; it’s an educational journey that encompasses academic programs, cultural immersion, and global travel. Students can earn their high school diploma abroad, immerse themselves in a gap year program, or prepare for university in dynamic learning environments that are as academically rigorous as they are culturally enriching.

Every EF program is designed with the learner at its core, offering tailored educational experiences that cater to diverse needs and aspirations. Whether it’s a middle school student exploring the world for the first time, a young adult seeking academic excellence, or a professional looking to hone their language skills, EF Education First is the passport to a world of learning without limits.

8 - Xiaozhan Jiaoyu

Xiaozhan Jiaoyu has carved a niche in the competitive landscape of online education in China. It operates as an online language training platform, offering a plethora of courses tailored for students preparing for entrance exams for English language tests and overseas universities. Visit their website.

The company is renowned for its innovative approach to language learning, blending technology and pedagogy to create an immersive learning experience. Each course is meticulously designed, focusing on the nuanced needs of the learners and ensuring that they are well-prepared to ace their exams with confidence.

Xiaozhan Jiaoyu’s success is anchored in its commitment to quality and innovation. The curriculum is dynamic, evolving with the changing trends in education and the specific requirements of various English language tests. The educators are seasoned professionals, bringing a wealth of experience and a personalised touch to the learning journey.

In a world where language proficiency opens doors to global opportunities, Xiaozhan Jiaoyu stands as a reliable partner, guiding students through the intricate pathways of language learning and ensuring that they are well-equipped to step into the global arena with confidence and competence.

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7 - Chuanke.com

Chuanke.com is a distinguished entity in the realm of information technology and services, with its headquarters nestled in Beijing, China. The company is renowned for offering cutting-edge solutions and innovative approaches in the educational sector.

Chuanke.com is not just a name but a brand synonymous with quality and innovation in the educational landscape. Though specific details about their offerings are not readily available, the company’s reputation precedes it, marking it as a reliable and trusted partner in the educational journey of many.

The company is nestled in the heart of Beijing, a city known for its vibrant educational ecosystem. Chuanke.com leverages this strategic location to tap into a rich pool of resources, ensuring that it stays ahead of the curve in delivering top-notch educational services. The company is small in size but mighty in impact, with a team of dedicated professionals committed to pushing the boundaries of educational excellence.

In the rapidly evolving world of information technology and services, Chuanke.com stands as a beacon of innovation and quality. Though the details of their tech stack are not disclosed, one can anticipate that the company is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies to deliver unparalleled educational experiences to its clientele. Each offering is a blend of technology and expertise, designed to cater to the nuanced needs of the modern learner.

6 - Tutors in China

Tutors in China is known for its commitment to delivering personalised educational support to students across a variety of subjects and qualifications. The company stands out for its adaptability, offering both in-person and online tutoring services to meet the diverse needs of students in the modern, digital age.

The essence of Tutors in China lies in its bespoke approach to education. Each student is unique, coming with their individual learning styles, strengths, and areas for improvement. The tutors are adept at identifying these nuances and tailoring their teaching methods accordingly. This personalised touch ensures that learning is not just effective but also engaging, fostering an environment where students are motivated to explore, learn, and excel.

In a world where education is increasingly becoming competitive, Tutors in China serves as a reliable ally for students and parents alike. The company is dedicated to not just helping students achieve academic excellence but also instilling in them the confidence and skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of modern education. Each tutor is a blend of expertise and empathy, equipped with the knowledge and the soft skills to nurture students to their fullest potential.

Though specific details are unavailable, one can anticipate that Tutors in China, like its counterparts, is committed to quality, innovation, and excellence, making it a trusted partner in the educational journey of many students across China.

5 - TAL Education Group

TAL Education Group is a technology-driven education company with a mission to advance lifelong learning. Established in 2003, TAL has been committed to integrating technology, content, and services to deliver an enhanced learning experience, aiming to bring incremental value to society.

The company’s journey from its inception has been marked by innovation and growth. It started with “Xueersi” after-school tutoring and explored early online education models. In 2010, TAL, formerly Xueersi, was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The group renamed to TAL Education Group in 2013, marking the beginning of a multi-brand development strategy and the establishment of the TAL Public Welfare Foundation.

TAL’s investment strategy is rooted in focusing on the development trends of segmented fields, supporting the growth of emerging field projects, respecting the development laws and growth curves of enterprises, reflecting the technical resource advantages of each other, and developing in cooperation for mutual benefit. They have been deeply researching multiple dimensions of education, internet, and technology in China and capturing investment opportunities that benefit children’s learning experiences and growth dynamics.

Furthermore, TAL is deeply committed to social responsibility. They have initiated several public welfare foundations and projects aimed at exploring new models of educational public welfare and promoting balanced development in education through technology. Their commitment to quality education and technological innovation has positioned them as a leader in the educational sector in China.

4 - Xueda Education Group

Xueda Education Group is committed to providing personalized learning experiences, with a focus on individualized study plans tailored to each student's unique needs and learning style. Established in Beijing, the company has expanded its reach, offering its innovative educational services across China.

Xueda’s approach to education is rooted in a comprehensive understanding of each student’s academic strengths and weaknesses. The initial stages involve in-depth consultations and scientific assessments to gain insights into the student’s individual characteristics. This information forms the basis for creating customized learning plans, ensuring that each student receives targeted instruction and support.

The learning experience at Xueda is facilitated by a team of dedicated professionals, including academic teachers and learning advisors. Each member is committed to providing sincere, wholehearted support throughout the student’s educational journey. Regular feedback on the student’s progress is a key component of the learning process, ensuring that parents are informed and involved.

With over 240 learning centers spread across more than 100 cities in China, Xueda Education Group has established a significant presence in the country’s educational landscape. The company’s commitment to personalized learning, backed by a team of experienced educators and a scientifically grounded approach, makes it a preferred choice for students aiming for academic excellence.

3 - New Oriental Education and Technology Group

New Oriental Education and Technology Group is a comprehensive education group driven by technology, focusing on the all-round growth of students. Established in 1993 and evolving from the Beijing New Oriental School, the group has diversified its services, offering quality education, international education, adult education, smart education, and more. It has created renowned educational brands like New Oriental Star Kindergarten and New Oriental Smart Education.

The company is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, underscoring its global reach and credibility. New Oriental is committed to enhancing students' lifelong competitiveness, shaping their civic qualities, and instilling a global perspective. Their mission is to become a respected educational institution with cultural value in China.

New Oriental’s approach to education is marked by integrity, care, learning, and ambition. They embrace change and innovation, always striving for excellence. The company’s attitude towards education is rooted in sentiment; they are dedicated to quality and fairness, respecting talent and rewarding contributions accordingly.

The group’s educational offerings are diverse, including children’s quality education centers, international education, and smart learning centers. They are committed to creating value for students’ comprehensive growth and pushing the progress and development of education in China. Their spirit is about pursuing excellence, challenging limits, and finding hope in despair, believing that life will eventually be brilliant.

2 - CDEL (China Distance Education Holdings Ltd.)

CDEL is a renowned institution established in 2000, dedicated to professional education and services. With a strategic focus on building a comprehensive “lifelong education system” and “complete education system,” CDEL is anchored in the philosophy of prioritizing student interests and delivering exceptional service. The company is highly esteemed for its teaching quality, advanced website, and courseware technology, and is committed to enhancing the content of its website to improve tutoring outcomes and propel the grand development of distance education in China.

CDEL’s journey is marked by significant milestones, including its listing on the New York Stock Exchange and the establishment of the “Zhengbao Education Charity Fund.” The company has made strides in innovation, introducing mobile and tablet viewing functionalities for its courses and launching the “Zhengbao Education Advancing into Campus” action plan. CDEL is also known for its contributions to public welfare, as evidenced by its donation of a variety of online paid courses to the Hubei area during the epidemic prevention period.

The institution’s evolution is characterized by its commitment to quality, innovation, and the holistic development of students. With a rich history and a forward-looking approach, CDEL continues to shape the future of education, blending technology and pedagogy to offer tailored learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of learners across China.

1 - TutorChase

TutorChase is not just a tutoring company but a beacon of educational excellence, particularly renowned for its bespoke services tailored for students in China. With a profound understanding of the diverse curriculums offered in the region, TutorChase has meticulously crafted its tutoring programmes to align with the specific academic and cultural nuances of Chinese students.

The company’s success in the region is not accidental but the result of a strategic focus on delivering personalised, high-quality education. Each tutor is not just academically qualified but is also adept at navigating the cultural and educational landscape of China, ensuring that the learning experience is as relevant as it is rigorous.

TutorChase’s tutors are its greatest asset. Hailing from prestigious institutions like Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard, these educators bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and innovation to the table. The company’s rigorous selection process is a testament to its commitment to quality, ensuring that every tutor is not just qualified but is also passionate about unlocking each student’s potential.

In China, TutorChase has become synonymous with academic excellence. The company’s adaptability is evident in its curriculum, which is as diverse as it is comprehensive, covering GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level, IB, and university admissions, including Oxbridge and Ivy League. This diversity ensures that every student finds a home at TutorChase, regardless of their academic pathway.

Take a look at their premium tutors for the following subjects levels:

The company’s impact is felt not just in the academic strides of its students but also in the testimonials of parents who have witnessed first-hand the transformative power of quality education. With a stellar rating of 4.93 out of 5, TutorChase is not just meeting expectations but exceeding them, setting a new standard for educational excellence in China.

TutorChase’s pricing, starting at CNY420 per hour, is not just a cost but an investment in a future of limitless possibilities. Every session is a step closer to academic excellence, a journey facilitated by tutors who are committed to not just teaching but inspiring, motivating, and empowering every student to reach for the stars.

In the competitive educational landscape of China, TutorChase stands tall, not just for its quality but for its commitment to the holistic development of every student. It’s not just about grades but about instilling confidence, nurturing skills, and shaping future leaders who are as competent as they are confident. In TutorChase, every student finds not just a tutor but a partner in the exciting journey of learning and discovery.

Finding the Right Tutoring Company For You

Navigating the world of tutoring can be daunting, but armed with the right information, finding the perfect fit becomes a seamless journey. Whether it’s the global reach of TutorChase or the specialised offerings of iTutorGroup and Xueda, each company brings a unique blend of expertise and innovation. Consider your specific needs, curriculum, and desired learning experience. Remember, investing in a tutoring company is not just about improving grades but enhancing the overall learning journey. Take the leap, and unlock a world where personalised education, academic excellence, and holistic learning are not just ideals but everyday realities. Your path to academic success is just a choice away.


How do I choose the right tutoring company in China?

Choosing the right tutoring company involves considering factors like the quality of tutors, curriculum, teaching methods, and reviews from other students. Evaluate the tutors’ qualifications and experience, and ensure the company offers personalised learning plans tailored to the student’s needs. Consider companies like TutorChase that have a proven track record and positive reviews.

Are online tutoring services effective for learning?

Absolutely! Online tutoring offers flexibility, convenience, and access to a wide range of resources. Tutors can provide personalised attention and customised learning materials. Companies like iTutorGroup offer interactive, online learning experiences, making education accessible from the comfort of your home.

What curriculums do tutoring companies in China cover?

Tutoring companies in China cover a diverse range of curriculums including GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level, IB, and university admissions. Companies like TutorChase are adept at providing tailored tutoring services to meet the specific academic needs of every student, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

How do I know if a tutor is qualified?

Reputable tutoring companies have a rigorous selection process to ensure their tutors are qualified. Look for tutors from esteemed universities and those with positive reviews. Companies like TutorChase ensure their tutors are thoroughly interviewed and vetted for their expertise.

Can tutoring help with university admissions?

Certainly! Tutoring can provide personalised guidance to help students navigate university admissions, including preparation for entrance exams and application processes. TutorChase, for instance, specialises in university admissions, including Oxbridge and Ivy League, ensuring students are well-prepared.

Is tutoring available for international curriculums?

Yes, many tutoring companies in China, including TutorChase, offer tutoring services for international curriculums. They provide tailored learning experiences to meet the diverse academic needs of students, ensuring they excel in their respective curriculums.

How much does tutoring cost in China?

The cost of tutoring can vary depending on the company, the subject, and the tutor’s expertise. For instance, TutorChase offers services starting at CNY420 per hour, providing value for the quality of education delivered.

Can I find English-speaking tutors in China?

Absolutely! Companies like TutorChase boast a team of tutors from elite universities around the world, ensuring that students can receive instruction in English and prepare for international examinations effectively.

How has technology impacted tutoring in China?

Technology has revolutionised tutoring, making it more accessible and interactive. Online platforms enable real-time interaction, and digital resources enhance learning. Companies like iTutorGroup leverage technology to offer innovative, engaging online learning experiences.

What are the benefits of personalised tutoring?

Personalised tutoring caters to the individual needs of each student, focusing on their strengths and areas for improvement. It ensures targeted learning, with tutors adapting their teaching methods to suit each student’s learning style, as exemplified by companies like Xueda Education Group.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Oxford University - PhD Mathematics

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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