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Early Decision College Applications: Pros & Cons

Early Decision College Applications: Pros & Cons

5 min Read|September 26 2023
|Written by:

Aakash Gadh


Are you getting ready to submit your college application? If so, you might be familiar with early decision (ED) college applications. Early decision is a choice that lets applicants submit their applications earlier and hear about their admission before the standard deadline. In this article, we'll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of early decision college applications and offer advice to assist you in making the best decision for your particular circumstances.

The Pros of Early Decision College Applications

For those who are certain they will be able to attend their first-choice institution if approved, early decision can be a fantastic alternative. A few of the main advantages of early decision college applications are as follows:

Increased Admissions Odds

Students who submit early decision college applications stand a better chance of being admitted, which is one of the largest benefits. This is because colleges may be more likely to admit early decision applicants because they are thought to be more dedicated to attending their institution.

2020 Ivy League Admissions Statistics


Show of Commitment to the School

One of the biggest benefits of applying early decision is the ability to demonstrate your strong commitment to a particular college. This can be especially appealing to admissions committees, as it shows that you are not just applying to multiple colleges, but that you have carefully considered this particular college and believe it to be the best fit for you. This can help you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of being admitted.

Simplified Application Process

Another benefit of early decision is that it can simplify the college application process. By applying early, you'll have one less decision to make, and you can focus your attention on preparing for college life, rather than worrying about the admissions process. You'll also have a shorter wait time to hear back from the college, which can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty associated with the college application process.

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The Cons of Early Decision College Applications

While there are many benefits to early decision college applications, there are also some potential drawbacks that students should be aware of. Here are a few of the key cons of early decision:

Limited College Options

One of the biggest disadvantages of early decision is that students are only allowed to apply to one college. This means that you'll have limited options if you don't get accepted, and you'll have to start the college search process all over again. Additionally, if you change your mind about the college you applied to early decision, you'll have to withdraw your application, which can impact your chances of being admitted to other colleges.

Financial Considerations

Another factor to consider is the financial aspect of early decision. When you apply early decision, you're committing to attending the college if accepted, regardless of the financial aid package they offer. This can be risky if you haven't fully considered your financial situation and budget, and you may end up paying more for college than you can afford.

Pressure to Decide Before Senior Year

Finally, early decision can also put pressure on students to make a final college decision before they've had the chance to fully explore all of their options. This can be stressful and can impact the rest of your senior year. It's important to consider whether you're ready to make such a significant decision so early in the process.

Tips for Making the Right Decision

So, how do you know if early decision is the right choice for you? Here are a few tips to help you make an informed decision:

Research Early Decision Policies and Requirements

Before applying early decision, make sure you understand the policies and requirements of the colleges you're interested in. Pay close attention to deadlines, application fees, and any other important details.CollegeBoard is a great resource for information on early decision policies and requirements.It is important to note that different colleges follow different policies and it is critical to keep track of the policies of all the different colleges that you decide to apply to.

Consider Your Personal Circumstances and Goals

Think about your personal circumstances and long-term goals. Some students are more concerned about the college they attend and some students are more concerned about some of the other factors such as program choice(s), cost of attendance, proximity to family, etc. It is also important to have a backup plan in case you are not accepted to your first choice school. Attending college is a big decision and has a lot of factors that are easily missed by students that are navigating the world of college admissions for the first time. In such a scenario, it is sometimes beneficial to have a second opinion and/or guidance on the admission process.My Dream School provides great advice on considering your personal circumstances and goals.

Consider Your Financial Situation

Think about your personal circumstances and long-term goals. Are you sure that the college you're interested in is the best fit for you? Do you have a backup plan if you're not accepted? The Princeton Review is a great resource for advice on considering your personal circumstances and goals, and can help you make an informed decision about early decision.

Ultimately, applying early decision can be a great option for some students, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons and consider your personal circumstances before making a decision. Make sure to do your research and seek advice from trusted sources to ensure you make the best decision for you.

Sallie Mae is a great resource for information on financial aid and scholarships.

Seek Guidance from Trusted Sources

Finally, seek guidance from trusted sources such as family, teachers, and guidance counselors. They can offer valuable insight and advice to help you make the best decision for your unique situation. There are several websites that offer US College Admissions Support and researching more about their testimonials and services is perhaps a great place to start!

Bonus Tip: Understanding Standardized Tests

Standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, are a crucial component of the college application process. These tests measure your knowledge and abilities in various subject areas, such as math, reading, and writing. The scores you receive on these tests are one of the many factors that colleges consider when evaluating your application.

It's important to note that not all colleges require standardized tests, and some colleges have test-optional policies. However, many highly selective colleges still require these tests, so it's important to research the testing requirements for the colleges you're interested in.


Early decision college applications can be a great option for students who have a clear first-choice college in mind and are confident in their ability to attend if accepted. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider your personal circumstances, goals, and financial situation before making a decision. By following these tips and seeking guidance from trusted sources, you'll be able to make the right choice for your unique situation and start your college journey on the right foot.

In the end, the most important thing is to choose the option that feels right for you and will allow you to reach your goals and pursue your passions. Good luck with your college application process!

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Aakash Gadh

Written by: Aakash Gadh

University of Texas at Dallas - BS Mechanical Engineering

Aakash studied mechanical engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas and has been tutoring students for the SATs, ACTs, and AP Exams for the past six years. He specializes in helping his students achieve top grades and gain admission to their dream universities!

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