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What is a good SAT score?

What is a good SAT score?

6 min Read|May 24 2024
|Written by:

George Christofi


Are you wondering what SAT score will open doors to your dream college? With the national average sitting at around 1060, cracking the SAT could be your ticket to higher education. Yet, many find this critical test daunting, uncertain of how high they need to score.

This guide breaks down SAT scoring from 400 to 1600, offering clear insights to help you target your studies effectively and elevate your performance. Let’s dive into what makes a good SAT score and how you can achieve it.

What is the SAT?

The SAT exam is designed to measure a student's readiness for college through various academic skills. The test is divided into two main sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math, each scored between 200 and 800. The combined score from these sections can total up to 1600.

The Basics of SAT Scoring

The digital SAT, updated for contemporary testing environments, maintains a familiar scoring range of 400 to 1600 but comes with a revised format that enhances the adaptiveness of the test. It consists of two main sections, the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math, each scored between 200 and 800.

The test is structured into four modules across these sections, featuring a total of 98 questions to be completed in 2 hours and 14 minutes. Understanding the SAT Exam Format in detail can help you better prepare for the test dynamics and question patterns.

SectionScore RangeDescription
Total SAT Score400- 1600Overall score combining readings and writing and math sections
Reading and Writing200 - 800Tests reading comprehension and writing skills
Math200 - 800Covers Algebra, data analysis, and advanced math topics
Test DetailsModulesTime
Number of ModulesFourTotal time: 2 hours and 14 minutes
Total Questions98Designed to assess adaptiveness and comprehension details

Here’s a breakdown of the test components:

1. Reading and Writing Section (EBRW):

This section challenges students to interpret, analyze, and use information from various text passages and graphical data. It covers a broad range of topics from literature to scientific articles, assessing skills in comprehension and reasoning.

An English tutor can help improve your critical reading and writing skills, which are crucial for the EBRW section of the SAT.

2. Math Section:

Divided into two segments, Math section tests algebra, data analysis, and advanced mathematical topics. It's designed to evaluate the application of mathematical concepts in solving real-world problems and involves a variety of question types to measure quantitative reasoning.

Each module starts with mixed-difficulty questions and adapts in complexity depending on the test-taker’s performance on previous modules, making the digital SAT a tailored and dynamic assessment tool.

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Understanding SAT Scores

The SAT, administered by the College Board, is a standardized test that serves as a significant factor in the college admissions process in the United States. Understanding what constitutes a good SAT score can be crucial for students aiming to secure a place in their preferred college.

SAT score breakdown

SAT score breakdown

Understanding Percentiles

Percentiles rank students based on how they performed compared to others who took the same test. For instance, if you are in the 75th percentile, you scored better than 75% of test-takers.

Percentile RangePerformance LevelSAT Score Range
90th Percentile and AboveExcellentScores above 1340
75th - 89th PercentileGoodScores between 1200 and 1340
50th - 74th PercentileAverageScores between 1060 and 1190
Below 50th PercentileBelow AverageScores under 1060

What is the Middle 50%?

The "Middle 50%" is a commonly used statistical term in college admissions that refers to the range of SAT scores from the 25th to the 75th percentile of admitted students at a university. This range indicates that half of all admitted students scored within this window, not too high or too low, but comfortably in the middle.

It's a useful indicator for prospective students to gauge how their own SAT scores compare with those of typically admitted students. A score within or above this range suggests that a student is academically well-prepared for that university, at least based on standardized testing

Middle 50% for the Class of 2025

For the Class of 2025, understanding the Middle 50% helps illustrate the competitive landscape of college admissions in recent years, particularly in the context of ongoing changes in testing policies and the academic caliber of applicant pools. As universities adapt to various educational shifts, such as test-optional policies, the Middle 50% provides insights into the scores that were still deemed competitive for the latest admitted class.

When reviewing the Middle 50% SAT scores for top universities, you can discern not just where you stand in relation to other applicants, but also how scores vary across different types of institutions—public versus private, large versus small, and highly selective versus less selective. These distinctions are crucial for tailoring your application strategy, whether it's deciding where to apply based on your current SAT scores or determining if you should retake the SAT to improve your chances.

Here are the top 25 universities in the USA rankings and their middle 50% SAT scores

U.S. News RankingSchoolMiddle 50% SAT Scores
1Princeton University1450-1570
2Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)1510-1580
3Harvard University1460-1580
3Stanford University1420-1570
3Yale University1460-1580
6University of Chicago1500-1570
7Johns Hopkins University1480-1570
7University of Pennsylvania1450-1570
9California Institute of Technology (CalTech)1530-1580
10Duke University1510-1560
10Northwestern University1430-1550
12Dartmouth College1440-1560
13Brown University1440-1570
13Vanderbilt University1460-1560
15Rice University1460-1570
15Washington University in St. Louis1460-1560
17Cornell University1400-1540
18Columbia University1470-1570
18University of Notre Dame1420-1560
20University of California, Berkeley1290-1530
20University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)1290-1520
22Carnegie Mellon University1460-1560
22Emory University1380-1530
22Georgetown University1380-1550
25New York University (NYU)1370-1540
25University of Michigan—Ann Arbor1340-1560
25University of Southern California1340-1530
25University of Virginia1320-1510

What the Numbers Really Mean

The national average SAT score is approximately 1060, but understanding the broader implications of your SAT score is crucial:

  • College Admissions: Higher education institutions often use SAT scores to compare applicants. Most colleges provide a SAT score range (from the 25th to the 75th percentile) of their recently admitted students, giving prospective students a benchmark for competitiveness.
  • Scholarship Opportunities: Many scholarships use SAT scores as a criterion for eligibility. Achieving a score in the upper percentiles can significantly increase a student's chances of receiving financial aid.

The significance of these scores extends beyond mere numbers; they reflect a student's capability to succeed in college-level courses and can influence the trajectory of their educational and career paths. Understanding these scores, especially in the context of desired colleges and programs, is essential for setting realistic and strategic academic goals.

How Colleges Use SAT Scores

Colleges use SAT scores to assess applicants in several crucial aspects of their applications, helping to determine their readiness for college-level work and where they stand among their peers. These scores play a pivotal role in admissions decisions and scholarship considerations.

  • Admissions: High scores can significantly improve your chances of acceptance at selective schools.
  • Course Placement: Colleges may use your SAT scores to place you in the appropriate level of coursework, especially for subjects like math and English.
  • Scholarships: Many scholarship programs consider SAT scores in their criteria.

5 Ways to Measure a Good SAT Score

Defining what constitutes a good SAT score can vary significantly based on the objectives and perspectives of the student. Achieving a perfect SAT score is challenging but possible with rigorous practice and understanding of SAT test strategies.

Here are several methods to assess the quality of SAT scores, supported by statistics and examples, that help clarify this multifaceted evaluation:

1. College Admissions Standards

Percentile Ranges: Most universities showcase the 25th to 75th percentile scores of their recently admitted students.

  1. Example: At the University of Michigan, the 25th to 75th percentile SAT scores for admitted students range from 1340 to 1530. Scoring above 1530 places you above the 75th percentile, marking a highly competitive score for this institution.

2. National Percentiles

Comparison with Nationwide Scores: National percentiles are critical for understanding how a student's score compares with that of all other test-takers across the country.


  • A score of 1200 ranks in the 74th percentile, beating about three-quarters of all test-takers.
  • A score of 1340 places a student in the 90th percentile, an excellent score on a national scale.

3. Scholarship Eligibility

Merit-based Financial Aid: Many scholarships use SAT scores as part of their selection criteria to identify academically talented students.

  • Example: The National Merit Scholarship uses Preliminary SAT (PSAT) scores, which correlate with SAT scores, to award scholarships. Typically, scoring in the top 1% is necessary to qualify as a semifinalist, which often translates to needing an SAT score in the upper 1400s or higher.

4. Personal Improvement and Goals

Individual Progress: Evaluating scores based on personal improvement or achievement of self-set goals.

  • Personal Achievement: If a student initially scores 1050 on practice tests and sets a target of 1250, achieving this score represents a significant personal milestone and a "good" score for that individual.

5. Score Goals for Specific Programs

Targeting Program Requirements: Some highly selective academic programs may have higher SAT score expectations than the general admissions requirements of the college.

  • Example: Engineering programs at top universities like MIT or Stanford often look for students who score in the top 10% nationally—typically above 1400 on the SAT.

Understanding these varied perspectives on what makes a SAT score "good" helps tailor preparation and set realistic, personal goals. It's crucial to align your SAT target with your specific academic and career aspirations, ensuring that your score opens the right doors for your future endeavors.

What Makes a Good SAT Score?

A good SAT score varies by the standards and expectations of different colleges. Generally, scoring above the national average (currently around 1060) is considered good, but the most competitive universities often look for scores in the upper percentiles (90th percentile and above).

What's a Good SAT Score for College Admissions

What's a Good SAT Score for College Admission

Beyond the Basics: Defining a 'Good' Score

A "good" SAT score isn't just about surpassing a standardized benchmark; it's highly individual and depends on the aspirations and target institutions of each student. Generally, a good SAT score is one that makes you competitive for admission to your chosen colleges, particularly in the context of other applicants' scores.

This relative measure shifts based on the selectivity of the college and the strength of its applicant pool. For instance, what counts as a good score at a large public university might not hold the same weight at a more selective private college.

The Role of Percentiles in Understanding Scores

Percentiles are a critical tool in understanding how an SAT score stacks up against those of other test-takers. They represent the percentage of students whose scores your performance equals or surpasses.

For example, if you score in the 75th percentile, you have scored higher than 75% of test-takers. This metric is vital because it contextualizes your score within a national or even global pool of students, highlighting how competitive you are in a broader academic landscape.

Score Requirements for Top Colleges

To further illustrate the concept of a good SAT score, consider the score ranges for admitted students at several top universities, which showcase the 25th to 75th percentile of SAT scores:

These ranges indicate that to be considered a competitive applicant at these institutions, aspiring students typically need to aim for the upper end of these ranges. For example, a score of 1570 places you in the upper 75th percentile at most of these elite institutions, effectively maximizing your chances of admission.

Conversely, scores closer to the 25th percentile, while still impressive, mean that other parts of the application, such as essays, recommendations, and extracurricular achievements, need to be particularly strong to compensate. This data underscores the importance of setting targeted SAT goals tailored to specific collegiate aspirations.

Setting Your SAT Goals

Deciding when to take the SAT is crucial; ideally, you should schedule it so that you have enough time to retake it if necessary before college applications are due. To effectively prepare for the SAT, develop a structured study plan that includes reviewing content areas, practicing test questions, and taking timed practice exams.

Setting a realistic SAT score goal is essential for effective preparation and eventual success in college applications. Here’s how you can determine a personal target based on desired colleges’ score ranges:

Research College Requirements:

Start by identifying the colleges you are interested in and gather data on their SAT score requirements. Most colleges publish the 25th to 75th percentile scores of their recently admitted students. These ranges give you a clear benchmark of what scores these institutions consider competitive.

Assess Your Current Performance:

Take a practice SAT to determine your baseline score. This helps you understand how much you need to improve to meet your target colleges' score requirements.

Set Specific Goals:

Based on your baseline score and your target colleges' requirements, set a specific SAT score goal. If your baseline score is significantly lower than your target score, set intermediate goals that gradually increase to your ultimate target.

Plan Your Study Schedule:

Create a detailed study plan that covers all sections of the SAT, focusing more on your weaker areas. This plan should include regular practice tests to track your progress and adjust your strategies as needed.

Consider External Help:

If self-study isn't yielding the results you want, consider hiring a SAT tutor who can provide personalized guidance and test strategies.

Consider consulting rankings of the best tutoring companies in the USA to find top-notch SAT preparation assistance.

Importance of Setting Higher Targets

Aiming for a score above the 75th percentile of your target colleges' admitted students provides strategic advantages:

  • Enhanced Competitiveness:

Scoring above the 75th percentile places you in the top quarter of incoming students, making you a more attractive candidate not only for admissions but also for merit-based scholarships.

  • Buffer Against Weaknesses:

A higher SAT score can compensate for weaker areas in your application, such as lower GPA or less extracurricular involvement.

  • Increased Admission Chances at Reach Schools:

If you are applying to "reach" schools, where your academic credentials are below the school's average, a high SAT score might help offset this discrepancy.

  • Flexibility in College Choices:

High scores provide more options and flexibility in your college choice, including potential transfer opportunities if you decide to start at a less competitive school.

By setting high targets and methodically preparing to achieve them, you maximize your chances of success in the highly competitive college admissions process. This approach ensures that you not only meet but exceed the expectations of your chosen colleges, thereby improving your overall application strength.

Improving Your SAT Scores

Online tutors are one of the best ways to improve your SAT scores. They offer flexible scheduling and can provide the same high-quality guidance as in-person sessions, making them a great option for SAT preparation.

Effective Strategies for SAT Prep

Achieving a high SAT score requires strategic preparation and the right resources. Here’s how you can enhance your SAT performance:

1. Understand the Format:

Familiarize yourself with the SAT format, including the types of questions and the timing of each section. The College Board provides a detailed guide and free practice tests on their website.

2. Use High-Quality Study Materials:

Invest in reputable study guides and online resources. Books from the College Board or other well-reviewed SAT prep books are indispensable. Websites like Khan Academy offer free, high-quality SAT prep courses that are tailored to your needs.

3. Practice Regularly:

Consistent practice is key to success. Take full-length practice tests under timed conditions to get accustomed to the test's pace and pressure. This not only helps in building endurance but also in identifying areas where you need improvement.

4. Review Your Mistakes:

Carefully review your practice tests to understand your mistakes. This helps in learning and avoiding the same errors in the future.

5. Focus on Weak Areas:

Dedicate more study time to sections where your performance is weaker. Whether it’s improving your grammar skills for the Writing section or reinforcing algebraic concepts, targeted practice can significantly raise your scores.

6. Join Study Groups or Prep Classes:

Learning with peers or under the guidance of an experienced instructor can provide additional insights and motivation.

7. Stay Healthy:

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night's sleep, proper nutrition, and regular physical activity. A healthy body contributes to a sharper mind, which is crucial for test day.

When to Consider Retesting

Deciding when to retake the SAT should be a strategic choice. Evaluate your initial performance, consider improvements you can make, and align the timing with your college application deadlines. This ensures that each attempt is a step closer to achieving your desired score.

  • Analyze Your Score:

If your score is significantly below your target score or the 75th percentile for your target colleges, retesting might be beneficial.

  • Consider Your Preparation:

Retest only if you believe you can improve your score. Reflect on whether you have adequately addressed your weak areas since your last test.

  • Timing:

Consider your high school schedule and application deadlines. It’s ideal to have your scores ready by early fall of your senior year. Avoid last-minute testing close to application deadlines.

  • Number of Attempts:

While the College Board allows students to take the SAT as many times as they like, a practical limit would be three to four times. Colleges generally look at the highest score, but taking the test too many times can suggest a lack of preparation.

  • Score Choice:

Familiarize yourself with the College Board's Score Choice option, which allows you to choose which scores to send to colleges. However, some colleges require all scores, so plan accordingly.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether retesting is likely to benefit your college application.


Understanding what defines a "good" SAT score is crucial for aligning your test preparation with your college goals. Whether aiming to excel in competitive admissions or surpass national averages, setting clear, achievable targets based on your desired colleges’ requirements is essential.

Effective preparation is key. Utilize resources like the College Board's guides, engage with specialized tutors for tailored study plans, and take practice tests to enhance your performance. Remember, a good SAT score is one that helps fulfill your educational and career aspirations.

As you prepare, balance your efforts with strong academics, meaningful extracurriculars, and compelling essays to present a well-rounded application. Start your preparation journey today, and take a significant step toward realizing your college ambitions.


How often can I retake the SAT to improve my score?

Students can retake the SAT multiple times, but typically, three to four attempts are recommended to avoid diminishing returns and excessive stress.

Do colleges prefer the SAT over the ACT?

No, most colleges accept both SAT and ACT scores and do not have a preference for one over the other.

What is the average SAT score increase after retaking the test?

Students retaking the SAT can expect an average score increase of about 40-50 points, although results can vary based on additional preparation.

Are there any free resources for SAT prep recommended by experts?

Khan Academy offers free, high-quality SAT prep materials, endorsed by the College Board, which administers the SAT.

How does the SAT score impact my college application outside of admissions?

Beyond admissions, high SAT scores can:

  • Qualify students for merit-based scholarships.
  • Influence placement in advanced college courses.

What are the benefits of scoring above the 90th percentile on the SAT?

Scoring in the 90th percentile can:

  • Enhance your competitiveness for top-tier universities.
  • Increase eligibility for prestigious scholarships and honors programs.

Can a good SAT score compensate for a lower GPA?

A high SAT score can partially offset a lower GPA by demonstrating strong academic potential, especially in competitive admissions processes.

How long should I prepare for the SAT to achieve a good score?

Effective preparation typically spans 3-6 months, with regular study sessions and practice tests to build familiarity and address weaknesses.

What are some common mistakes students make while preparing for the SAT?

Common mistakes include:

  • Not taking full-length practice tests.
  • Focusing only on weak areas and neglecting to hone strengths.
  • Last-minute cramming instead of steady, gradual preparation.

How do test-optional policies at colleges affect the importance of the SAT?

Test-optional policies reduce the weight of SAT scores in admissions, allowing students to showcase academic strengths through GPA, essays, and extracurriculars instead.

What strategies can I use to improve my score in the Math section?

Engaging a math tutor can significantly boost your performance in the SAT Math Section, particularly if you struggle with quantitative concepts

Strategies for improving in Math include:

  • Practicing with timed quizzes.
  • Reviewing key concepts in algebra, geometry, and data analysis.
  • Utilizing online resources like Khan Academy for targeted practice.

Are SAT prep courses worth the investment?

SAT prep courses can be beneficial if they align with your learning style and you need structured guidance; however, the benefits must be weighed against the cost.

What is considered a competitive SAT score for scholarships?

Competitive scores for scholarships typically start in the upper 75th percentile for the SAT, varying by the scholarship's criteria and competitiveness.

How does the SAT Essay affect my overall score and college applications?

The SAT Essay no longer impacts the overall score as it is no longer offered as part of the SAT as of 2021.

What is the role of SAT Subject Tests in college admissions?

As of 2021, the College Board has discontinued SAT Subject Tests in the United States, shifting focus to the main SAT and AP tests for subject-specific assessments.

Can I use my SAT score for international university applications?

Yes, many universities worldwide accept SAT scores as part of their admissions process, particularly in countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia.

What are the best ways to manage test anxiety before taking the SAT?

To manage test anxiety:

  • Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.
  • Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the test format.
  • Maintain a healthy routine with ample sleep and nutrition leading up to the test.

How important is time management during the SAT?

Time management is crucial; understanding the timing for each section allows you to allocate your efforts wisely, ensuring you can answer as many questions as possible.

What should I do the night before and the morning of the SAT?

The night before:

  • Pack necessary items like your admission ticket and photo ID.
  • Get a good night's sleep.

The morning of:

  • Eat a balanced breakfast.
  • Arrive at the test center early to avoid last-minute stress.

Are there any changes expected in the SAT format in the near future?

The College Board frequently updates SAT formats and policies. As of now, significant changes include the shift to a digital format for international students starting in 2023, with U.S. students following in 2024.

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Harvard University - Economics Major

George Christofi

Written by: George Christofi

Oxford University - Masters Philosophy

George studied undergraduate and masters degrees in Classics and Philosophy at Oxford, as well as spending time at Yale. He specialises in helping students with UK and US university applications, including Oxbridge and the Ivy League. He writes extensively on education including on schools, universities, and pedagogy.

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