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Discuss the impact of the Sino-Soviet split on the Chinese Revolution.

The Sino-Soviet split significantly impacted the Chinese Revolution by leading to a shift in China's ideological and strategic direction.

The Sino-Soviet split, a major political rift between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), occurred in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This split had a profound impact on the Chinese Revolution, which was a series of political and military campaigns that led to the establishment of the PRC in 1949.

Initially, the USSR was a key ally and supporter of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the Chinese Revolution. The Soviets provided significant financial, military, and ideological support to the CCP, which was instrumental in their victory over the Nationalist Party. However, the Sino-Soviet split led to a dramatic reduction in Soviet support for China, forcing the CCP to reassess its strategies and ideologies.

One of the most significant impacts of the Sino-Soviet split on the Chinese Revolution was the shift in China's ideological direction. The split was largely due to ideological differences between Mao Zedong, the leader of the CCP, and Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the USSR. Mao criticised Khrushchev's policy of "peaceful coexistence" with the West as a betrayal of communist principles. As a result, after the split, China began to develop its own unique brand of communism, known as Maoism. This ideology emphasised the role of the peasantry in revolution, in contrast to the Soviet emphasis on the proletariat.

The split also had a significant impact on China's foreign policy and strategic direction. After the split, China began to distance itself from the USSR and sought to establish itself as a separate and independent power. This led to a shift in China's foreign policy towards a more independent and assertive stance. China began to pursue its own interests, often in opposition to those of the USSR. This shift in foreign policy was evident in China's support for revolutionary movements in the Third World, which was often at odds with Soviet policy.

Furthermore, the Sino-Soviet split also had a significant impact on China's domestic policies. The split led to a reduction in Soviet economic and technical aid to China, which had a significant impact on China's economy. This forced China to embark on a series of radical economic reforms, known as the Great Leap Forward, in an attempt to

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