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Discuss the response of Henry VIII to the Amicable Grant and the Lincolnshire Rising.

Henry VIII responded to the Amicable Grant and the Lincolnshire Rising by withdrawing the tax and suppressing the rebellion, respectively.

The Amicable Grant of 1525 was a non-parliamentary tax imposed by Henry VIII to fund his war with France. The tax was met with widespread resistance, particularly in the counties of Essex and Suffolk, where a large-scale rebellion broke out. In response to this, Henry VIII decided to withdraw the tax. This decision was largely influenced by Cardinal Wolsey, who advised the king that the tax was causing too much unrest and was unlikely to be collected successfully. The withdrawal of the Amicable Grant was a significant moment in Henry VIII's reign, as it demonstrated that he was willing to listen to his subjects and change his policies in response to their concerns.

The Lincolnshire Rising of 1536 was a rebellion against Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries and his religious reforms. The rebels demanded the end of the dissolution and the removal of certain government officials. Henry VIII's response to the Lincolnshire Rising was much harsher than his response to the Amicable Grant. He sent a large army to suppress the rebellion and executed several of the rebel leaders. This response demonstrated Henry VIII's determination to enforce his religious reforms and his willingness to use force to maintain his authority.

In both cases, Henry VIII's responses were influenced by his political and religious goals. With the Amicable Grant, he was willing to compromise in order to maintain stability and continue his war with France. However, with the Lincolnshire Rising, he was unwilling to compromise on his religious reforms, even in the face of widespread opposition. These responses show that while Henry VIII was a strong and decisive ruler, he was also pragmatic and willing to change his policies when necessary.

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