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Discuss the role of Saudi Arabia's monarchy in shaping the dynamics of authoritarian states in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia's monarchy has significantly influenced the dynamics of authoritarian states in the Middle East through its wealth, religious influence, and strategic alliances.

Saudi Arabia, as one of the wealthiest countries in the Middle East, has used its economic power to shape the dynamics of authoritarian states in the region. The monarchy has often provided financial aid to other authoritarian regimes, thereby strengthening their hold on power. For instance, during the Arab Spring, Saudi Arabia provided billions of dollars in aid to the Egyptian military to help it regain control after the fall of Hosni Mubarak. This financial support has often been crucial in maintaining the status quo in these states, thereby reinforcing authoritarian rule.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia's monarchy has wielded significant religious influence in the region due to its control over Islam's two holiest sites, Mecca and Medina. The monarchy has used this religious authority to legitimise its own rule and to support other authoritarian regimes that align with its interpretation of Islam. This has often resulted in the suppression of dissenting religious and political views, further entrenching authoritarian rule in these states.

In addition, Saudi Arabia's monarchy has formed strategic alliances with other authoritarian states in the region to counter perceived threats. For example, it has formed a close alliance with the United Arab Emirates to counter the influence of Iran and its allies in the region. These alliances have often resulted in coordinated policies and actions that have reinforced authoritarian rule in these states.

However, it is important to note that Saudi Arabia's influence over other authoritarian states in the Middle East is not absolute. These states have their own internal dynamics and external relationships that also shape their political systems. Moreover, Saudi Arabia's attempts to shape the dynamics of these states have often been met with resistance, both domestically and internationally.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia's monarchy has played a significant role in shaping the dynamics of authoritarian states in the Middle East. Its wealth, religious influence, and strategic alliances have often reinforced authoritarian rule in these states. However, the extent of its influence is limited by the internal dynamics and external relationships of these states, as well as resistance to its policies.

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