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Discuss the role of the Arab League in shaping the discourse of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Arab League has played a significant role in shaping the discourse of the Arab-Israeli conflict through its political and diplomatic interventions.

The Arab League, established in 1945, is a regional organisation of Arab states in the Middle East and North Africa. It has been a significant player in the Arab-Israeli conflict, shaping the discourse through its collective decisions, policies, and diplomatic interventions. The League's role in the conflict has evolved over time, reflecting the changing dynamics of the Middle East and the shifting positions of its member states.

In the early years of the conflict, the Arab League was a unified front against the establishment of the State of Israel. It coordinated the military efforts of its member states in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, following the United Nations' partition plan for Palestine. The League's rejection of Israel's existence and its support for the Palestinian cause have been central to its stance and have significantly influenced the discourse of the conflict.

The Arab League has also played a crucial role in shaping the international perception of the conflict. Through its diplomatic efforts, it has sought to highlight the plight of the Palestinians and advocate for their rights. The League has used its collective weight to lobby international organisations and powerful states, influencing their positions and policies towards the conflict.

However, the Arab League's influence has been limited by internal divisions and differing interests among its member states. The 1979 Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty, for instance, led to Egypt's suspension from the League, reflecting the tensions between the collective stance against Israel and the individual interests of member states. Similarly, the varying degrees of recognition and engagement with Israel by different Arab states in recent years have further complicated the League's role in the conflict.

Moreover, the Arab League's ability to shape the discourse has been challenged by the changing dynamics of the Middle East. The rise of non-state actors, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and the shifting regional alliances driven by the Iranian-Saudi rivalry, have complicated the conflict and the League's role in it.

In conclusion, the Arab League has been a significant player in the Arab-Israeli conflict, shaping the discourse through its collective stance, diplomatic interventions, and advocacy for the Palestinian cause. However, its influence has been limited by internal divisions, the differing interests of member states, and the changing dynamics of the Middle East.

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