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Discuss the role of the OPEC oil embargo in the rise and rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East.

The OPEC oil embargo played a significant role in the rise and rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East by providing them with unprecedented wealth and power.

The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), founded in 1960, is a consortium of 13 countries, most of which are in the Middle East. The OPEC oil embargo of 1973-1974 was a pivotal event that significantly altered the global political landscape. The embargo was a response to the Yom Kippur War, where the United States supported Israel against Egypt and Syria. In retaliation, OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, imposed an oil embargo against the US and other Western countries. This embargo led to a quadrupling of oil prices, causing a severe energy crisis in the West, but also providing OPEC countries with unprecedented wealth.

This sudden influx of wealth played a crucial role in the rise and rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East. The oil revenues allowed these states to consolidate their power by funding extensive security apparatuses to suppress dissent and opposition. The wealth also enabled them to provide generous public services and subsidies, which helped to legitimise their rule and mitigate public discontent. In this way, the oil wealth acted as a 'rent' that allowed these states to maintain power without needing to tax their citizens or develop diversified economies.

Moreover, the oil wealth also gave these states significant geopolitical power. They could use their control over oil as a tool of foreign policy, influencing other countries through the threat of price hikes or supply disruptions. This power allowed them to resist external pressures for political reform or democratisation, further entrenching their authoritarian rule.

However, it is important to note that the oil wealth was not the only factor in the rise and rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East. Other factors, such as historical, cultural, and geopolitical factors, also played a significant role. Moreover, the oil wealth also had negative effects, such as creating economies overly dependent on oil, fostering corruption, and exacerbating social inequalities.

In conclusion, the OPEC oil embargo played a significant role in the rise and rule of authoritarian states in the Middle East by providing them with unprecedented wealth and power. However, it was not the only factor, and its effects were not entirely positive.

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