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Evaluate the role of the Parliament in the Amicable Grant and the Lincolnshire Rising.

Parliament played a minimal role in the Amicable Grant and the Lincolnshire Rising, as both were primarily popular uprisings.

The Amicable Grant of 1525 was a non-parliamentary tax proposed by Cardinal Wolsey, the chief minister of King Henry VIII. The Grant was intended to fund the King's war efforts in France, but it was met with widespread resistance and ultimately led to a significant rebellion. Parliament, however, was not directly involved in the implementation or opposition of the Grant. This was largely because the Grant was a non-parliamentary tax, meaning it was imposed by the King and his ministers without the consent or involvement of Parliament.

The Lincolnshire Rising of 1536, on the other hand, was a popular uprising against the religious reforms of King Henry VIII, particularly the dissolution of the monasteries. While Parliament had passed the Act of Supremacy in 1534, which made the King the head of the Church of England and paved the way for the dissolution of the monasteries, it did not play a direct role in the Rising. The Rising was a popular rebellion, driven by the people's discontent with the religious changes and economic hardships they were facing.

In both the Amicable Grant and the Lincolnshire Rising, Parliament's role was largely passive. In the case of the Amicable Grant, Parliament was bypassed entirely, highlighting the King's absolute power and the limitations of Parliament's authority at the time. In the Lincolnshire Rising, while Parliament had passed the legislation that sparked the rebellion, it did not actively participate in or respond to the uprising.

In conclusion, while Parliament was a significant institution in Tudor England, its role in the Amicable Grant and the Lincolnshire Rising was minimal. These events were primarily popular uprisings, driven by the people's discontent with the actions of the King and his ministers, rather than parliamentary decisions or debates.

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