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How did England's foreign relations change under the Tudors?

Under the Tudors, England's foreign relations shifted significantly, moving from isolation to active engagement with European powers.

The Tudor period, spanning from 1485 to 1603, was a time of significant change in England's foreign relations. The reigns of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I each brought their own unique approach to foreign policy, resulting in a shift from isolation to active engagement with other European powers.

Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch, sought to establish England as a significant player in European politics. He pursued a policy of peace, securing advantageous marriages for his children and signing treaties with other European powers. This was a stark contrast to the Wars of the Roses that had preceded his reign, and it helped to stabilise England both internally and externally.

Henry VIII, however, took a more aggressive approach. His desire for a male heir led to the break with Rome and the establishment of the Church of England, which significantly altered England's relations with Catholic Europe. His military campaigns against France and Scotland also marked a shift towards a more interventionist foreign policy.

Edward VI's reign was short and largely dominated by his regents, but it saw the continuation of Henry VIII's Protestant reforms, further straining relations with Catholic powers. Mary I, a devout Catholic, attempted to reverse these reforms and realign England with Rome, marrying Philip II of Spain and leading England into war with France.

Elizabeth I's reign marked a return to Protestantism and a more balanced approach to foreign policy. She sought to maintain peace with other European powers while also supporting Protestant causes abroad, notably in the Netherlands. Her reign also saw the beginnings of English exploration and colonisation in the New World, marking a shift towards a more global outlook.

Overall, the Tudor period saw a significant shift in England's foreign relations. The Tudors moved England from a position of relative isolation to one of active engagement with other European powers. They navigated the complex religious and political landscape of the time, balancing the need for peace and stability at home with the desire for influence and prestige abroad. This period laid the groundwork for England's later emergence as a global power.

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