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How did the "Glorious Revolution" affect the balance of power between the Crown and Parliament?

The "Glorious Revolution" significantly shifted the balance of power from the Crown to Parliament in England.

The Glorious Revolution, which took place in 1688, was a pivotal moment in British history that marked the transition from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. This revolution was not a typical violent uprising, but rather a peaceful transfer of power from King James II to William III and Mary II. The revolution was termed "glorious" because it was achieved with minimal bloodshed and was seen as a victory for the principles of Parliamentarianism and Protestantism.

Prior to the Glorious Revolution, the monarch held the majority of the power. The king or queen could make laws, levy taxes, and make important decisions without the consent of Parliament. However, the Glorious Revolution marked a significant shift in this power dynamic. The revolution was triggered by the fear of a Catholic succession after James II, a Catholic king, had a son. This led to an invitation from influential Protestants to William of Orange, a Protestant, to invade England.

The revolution resulted in the drafting of the Bill of Rights in 1689, which was a landmark document that set out specific constitutional and civil rights and ultimately gave Parliament power over the monarchy. The Bill of Rights established parliamentary sovereignty, curtailed the powers of the monarch, and set out the rights of Parliament, including the requirement for regular parliaments, free elections, and freedom of speech in Parliament. It also banned the monarch from levying taxes without Parliament's consent, maintaining a standing army during peacetime without Parliament's consent, and from interfering with the right to petition.

The Glorious Revolution also led to the Act of Settlement in 1701, which further limited the powers of the monarch and ensured the Protestant succession to the throne. This act gave Parliament the power to dictate who could ascend to the throne, further diminishing the power of the Crown.

In conclusion, the Glorious Revolution was a significant turning point in British history that shifted the balance of power from the Crown to Parliament. It marked the beginning of constitutional monarchy in England, where the monarch's powers were limited by law and Parliament held the majority of the power. This shift in power was solidified by the Bill of Rights and the Act of Settlement, which established parliamentary sovereignty and curtailed the powers of the monarch.

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